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ES6 module exports on .vue files #1

Closed sylvainpolletvillard closed 7 years ago

sylvainpolletvillard commented 7 years ago

Hello and thank you for making this, it looks very promising.

I tried getlibs on a Vue + TypeScript project and got some trouble with single file components .vue files


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src=""></script>
<div id="app">Loading...</div>



import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './components/App.vue'

new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    render: h => h(App)


    <div id="app">
        Hello {{ name }}

    export default {
            return { name: "Vue" }

gives me

Error: module is not defined
  Evaluating http://localhost:5000/components/App.vue
  Evaluating http://localhost:5000/main.ts
  Loading ./main.ts`

The App.vue!transpiled file :

(function(System, SystemJS) {"use strict";

System.register([], function (_export, _context) {
    "use strict";

    return {
        setters: [],
        execute: function () {
            _export("default", {
                data: function data() {
                    return { name: "Vue" };

            module.exports.template = "\r\n\t<div id=\"app\">\r\n\t\tHello {{ name }}\r\n\t</div>\r\n";
})(System, System);

It looks like it should export with _export.template instead of module.exports.template

xkam commented 7 years ago

At the moment .vue loader works only with es5/require() syntax. Basically it just tries to inject the template property into module.exports object. I'll see if I can do something simple for es6/typescript.

xkam commented 7 years ago

I've changed .vue loader so ES6 import/export should work now. However it will be transpiled by babel instead of typescript at the moment. That I still have to fix.

sylvainpolletvillard commented 7 years ago

Thanks, I can confirm that it is now working with export default. I let you close this issue when you are done

sylvainpolletvillard commented 7 years ago

Not sure if it is a regression or if it is not supported at the moment, but the <style> tags in the .vue files do not work.

xkam commented 7 years ago

This is a regression - will fix in the next release.

xkam commented 7 years ago

styles should work now in 0.0.11 (global only, scoped styles not supported yet).

xkam commented 7 years ago

.vue components are now transpiled by typescript (in .ts context). Added support for class-style components and decorators -

sylvainpolletvillard commented 7 years ago

Excellent work ! I will definitely use this