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Add arrows to map routes #893

Closed GrandSuccess87 closed 1 week ago

GrandSuccess87 commented 1 month ago



This issue will focus on adding arrows for each route profile: walking, biking, driving.

This component lives in frontend/components/media/MediaMap.vue and we're using the extension maplibre-gl-directions.


Happy to pair up with someone on this or tackle it myself :))

rabelmervin commented 1 month ago

Hi Madam @GrandSuccess87, I'm interested in solving this issue. Can we group together and solve this ??? Looking forward to your response. Thank you :)

andrewtavis commented 1 month ago

Hey @rabelmervin 👋 Assigned the issue to you :) You can see the added arrow that we're looking for by using the directions on this maplibre-gl-directions example. The source code with the needed change for it is here, and as @GrandSuccess87 said we'd like the change to go into frontend/components/media/MediaMap.vue.

Let us know if there's any further help needed!

rabelmervin commented 1 month ago

Thanks Sir @andrewtavis for your response. So The issue is to add seperate type of arrows for each walking,biking,driving when two points are selected in the map . Right ???

andrewtavis commented 1 month ago

Ah interesting, I was thinking we'd just do a single type of arrow and use the default. The directions already change color based on the profile, and adding in a white arrow as is done in the example would be fine for me. How about we start with that for this issue, and if we want to do specific arrows for specific profiles we can change that in a later issue?

Let me know if this is what you were thinking, @GrandSuccess87!

rabelmervin commented 1 month ago

Hi sir @andrewtavis, I cant able to run the vue file on my ide's. they are not supported by the ide's i use. tried many but can't (bracktets,sublimetext, etc )

andrewtavis commented 1 month ago

Hey @rabelmervin 👋 If you give VS Code a shot, it should work :)

rabelmervin commented 1 month ago

Thanks sir it works @andrewtavis

andrewtavis commented 1 month ago

Welcome, @rabelmervin! Let us know if you need further support! :)

andrewtavis commented 4 weeks ago

Bring the conversation back to here from email, @rabelmervin :) I'm realizing this is a bit more involved, but I think we can get it to work :)

Let me know if there are other questions on this, @rabelmervin! Happy to help further. Let's keep the discussion on GitHub though so the rest of the community can follow :)

rabelmervin commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks for helping me @andrewtavis.

andrewtavis commented 4 weeks ago

Very welcome, @rabelmervin!

rabelmervin commented 4 weeks ago

modifications successfully made @andrewtavis but, It has some errors here and there is it okay ???

andrewtavis commented 4 weeks ago

You're welcome to open a PR and I'll help with the errors, @rabelmervin :)

rabelmervin commented 3 weeks ago

hi sir @andrewtavis, I apologize for making the pr late. successfully made PR. could you tell me the mistakes that I made ???

andrewtavis commented 3 weeks ago

Hey @rabelmervin 👋 I'm not seeing a PR on the repo 🤔 Are the changes maybe in your branch and you need to open a PR here?

rabelmervin commented 3 weeks ago

oh sorry sir @andrewtavis, now i made it right.

andrewtavis commented 1 week ago

Closed by #900 🙌 This map sure is coming along 😊 Thanks for making the issue, @GrandSuccess87, and thanks for the initial implementation, @rabelmervin!