acts-project / vecmem

Vectorised data model base and helper classes.
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SYCL Memset Fix, main branch (2024.11.06.) #302

Closed krasznaa closed 3 weeks ago

krasznaa commented 3 weeks ago

Fixing vecmem::sycl::copy::memset and vecmem::sycl::async_copy::memset in the absence of ::sycl::queue::memset.

I came across this issue while making a mistake in #301. Apparently with old SYCL compilers the memset(...) functions would've never worked. :thinking:

In the end, checking for whether ::sycl::queue::memset exists is quite futile by now. With #301 we'll only be able to use compilers that implement the SYCL2020 standard. Which includes ::sycl::queue::memset. Nevertheless, this seemed like a simple fix to make.

sonarcloud[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

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