acuarica / evm

A Symbolic Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) bytecode interpreter, parser and decompiler, along with several other utils for programmatically extracting information from EVM bytecode.
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Error: Val is a not a valid unsigned 256-word on some contracts #125

Closed cdump closed 2 days ago

cdump commented 4 days ago

Hey, great project!

I've added it to my EVMole benchmarks here and found that there are errors in some contracts.

To find contracts with errors and reproduce:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd evmole/benchmarks
$ PROVIDERS_SELECTORS=sevm make sevm.selectors/largest1k
$ python3 --datasets largest1k --providers etherscan sevm --mode selectors --show-errors

dataset largest1k (1000 contracts, 24427 signatures), sevm:
  time: 34.1s
  False Positive: 0 signatures, 0 contracts
  False Negative: 492 signatures, 16 contracts
$ docker run --rm -v `pwd`/datasets:/datasets --entrypoint node -it evmole-bench-sevm

> new (await import("sevm")).Contract(JSON.parse((await import('fs')).readFileSync(`/datasets/largest1k/0x3451E5418eE5A925F3e786DFC673Ba0B0fBE5936.json`))['code'])
Error: Val is a not a valid unsigned 256-word: 124330809102446660538845562036705210025114037699336929360115994223289874178937783844864
    at new Val (/app/node_modules/sevm/dist/src/ast/index.js:117:19)
    at Shl.eval (/app/node_modules/sevm/dist/src/ast/alu.js:274:47)
    at Sar.eval (/app/node_modules/sevm/dist/src/ast/alu.js:296:32)
    at Local.eval (/app/node_modules/sevm/dist/src/ast/index.js:140:66)
    at DIVEXPsig (/app/node_modules/sevm/dist/src/step.js:239:29)
    at ALU.EQ (/app/node_modules/sevm/dist/src/step.js:261:19)
    at ConstantinopleStep.EQ (/app/node_modules/sevm/dist/src/step.js:731:31)
    at EVM.exec (/app/node_modules/sevm/dist/src/evm.js:123:40)
    at (/app/node_modules/sevm/dist/src/evm.js:92:18)

You can also see the random50k and vyper datasets in the same way.

P.S. If you know a better way to get function selectors (or maybe arguments too, but without using an external 4bytes database), feel free to contact me. Currently, I'm using it this way:

acuarica commented 3 days ago

Hey @cdump thanks for sending this, I'll take a look when I have some time. Glad to see that you have included it in your benchmark 🙏🏼.

If you know a better way to get function selectors (or maybe arguments too, but without using an external 4bytes database), feel free to contact me. Currently, I'm using it this way:

That's perfect, this doesn't use any external 4byte database. See for example

The 4byte external lookup is decoupled from the main library through the patch method

Regarding the selectors detection, this is what sevm roughly does Hope it helps.

cdump commented 3 days ago
> new (await import("sevm")).Contract('0x60016101111b5ffd')

Error: Val is a not a valid unsigned 256-word: 15177100720513508366558296147058741458143803430094840009779784451085189728165691392
    at new Val (/app/node_modules/sevm/dist/src/ast/index.js:117:19)
    at Shl.eval (/app/node_modules/sevm/dist/src/ast/alu.js:274:47)
[00]    PUSH1   01
[02]    PUSH2   0111
[05]    SHL 
[06]    PUSH0   
[07]    REVERT

doc: value << shift: the shifted value. If shift is bigger than 255, returns 0.

acuarica commented 2 days ago

Thanks for finding this example. It should be fixed in the latest release

cdump commented 2 days ago

Looks like fixed - But there are still some other errors in random50k & vyper datatests, you can find it yourself by following my steps from the 1st post in this issue