acxz / pkgbuilds

PKGBUILDs for Arch Linux
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[python-pyqt5-sip4] Failing to build due to 'qt5-quick3d' #180

Closed phtalo closed 2 years ago

phtalo commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to install ros-noetic-desktop-full, but during build of this package, the build fails with error "failed to build dependency 'qt5-quick3d'". I'm fairly ignorant in AUR package build mechanics, so I tried installing the dependency 'qt5-quick3d'. This didn't work, as well it didn't work trying to install this package on its own, even if installing it on its own just throws a build error and doesn't specify what kind. I am using baph as a AUR helper. Do you know if it is a problem with the package or my setup? Thanks for you time.

acxz commented 2 years ago

AUR helpers can be tricky, they are so many of them and each with their own quirks. The only AUR helpers I test with are paru and yay. I recommend you try to install ros-noetic-desktop-full with paru.

Please try again and report the error you are facing as a codeblock with triple backticks. Try to get more of the error message if possible.

phtalo commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much, I unfortunately reached some limit (I guess AUR's), and I'm returning an HTTP error 429. I'll wait until tomorrow to check if it works out with paru.

acxz commented 2 years ago

I just checked with a clean chroot build with paru and it worked for me.

an HTTP error 429

This seems like a weird error, maybe the AUR was down, but there shouldn't be a limit from the cloning the AUR PKGBUILDs to build the package.

phtalo commented 2 years ago
==> Making package: python-pyqt5-sip4 5.15.6-2 (Mon 09 May 2022 11:04:27)
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found PyQt5-5.15.6.tar.gz
  -> Found restore-sip4-support.patch
==> Validating source files with sha256sums...
    PyQt5-5.15.6.tar.gz ... Passed
    restore-sip4-support.patch ... Passed
==> Making package: python-pyqt5-sip4 5.15.6-2 (Mon 09 May 2022 11:04:28)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found PyQt5-5.15.6.tar.gz
  -> Found restore-sip4-support.patch
==> Validating source files with sha256sums...
    PyQt5-5.15.6.tar.gz ... Passed
    restore-sip4-support.patch ... Passed
==> Removing existing $srcdir/ directory...
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Extracting PyQt5-5.15.6.tar.gz with bsdtar
==> Starting prepare()...
patching file sip/QtCore/QtCoremod.sip
==> Sources are ready.
python-pyqt5-sip4-5.15.6-2: parsing pkg list...
==> Making package: python-pyqt5-sip4 5.15.6-2 (Mon 09 May 2022 11:04:29)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> WARNING: Using existing $srcdir/ tree
==> Removing existing $pkgdir/ directory...
==> Starting build()...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/sbin/sip-build", line 33, in <module>
    sys.exit(load_entry_point('sip==6.6.1', 'console_scripts', 'sip-build')())
  File "/sbin/sip-build", line 25, in importlib_load_entry_point
    return next(matches).load()
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().
error: failed to build 'python-pyqt5-sip4-5.15.6-2': 
error: packages failed to build: python-pyqt5-sip4-5.15.6-2

Error persists for this package. I have to say that paru detects (at the start of the installation process) the conflict with python-pyqt5. Maybe it's just dependency hell.

acxz commented 2 years ago

That seems familiar to #175 can you try the solution mentioned there? i.e. building in a clean chroot. with paru you can do that with paru --chroot.

phtalo commented 2 years ago
error: target not found: ros-noetic-cpp-common
error: target not found: ros-noetic-catkin
==> ERROR: 'pacman' failed to install missing depend
==> Missing dependencies:
  -> cmake
  -> ros-build-tools
  -> ros-noetic-cpp-common
  -> ros-noetic-catkin
  -> boost
==> ERROR: Could not resolve all dependencies.
==> ERROR: Build failed, check /var/lib/aurbuild/x86

Alright I managed to create a localrepo and to call paru --chroot -S ros-noetic-desktop-full, but most packages fail to build in the same way as above (even though of course the dependencies vary). It seems to me as if paru is unable to wrap pacman or doesn't look for packages in the AUR and only in the official repo for dependencies.

That being said I managed to build python-pyqt5-sip4 using the chroot without it throwing that build error, the one in #175.

Anyway thanks for all the support, I hope I am not wasting your time.

acxz commented 2 years ago

No worries at all.

You should be able to do paru -Syu ros-noetic-desktop-full --chroot. Using -Syu will ensure paru updates/rebuilds the AUR packages in your local repo. So that during the chroot build it can find those packages. We can't really discern the root cause of the error with just what you have shared here. Feel free to post the entire log.

phtalo commented 2 years ago

Using -Syu is not changing anything. I can't of course paste all of the ros-noetic-desktop-full log, but here is one of a random package in the metapkg.

==> Synchronizing chroot copy [/var/lib/aurbuild/x86_64/root] -> [phil]...done
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 localrepo is up to date
 core is up to date
 extra                1720.8 KiB  1604 KiB/s 00:01
 community               6.6 MiB  2.12 MiB/s 00:03
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 there is nothing to do
==> Making package: ros-noetic-gazebo-plugins 2.9.2-4 (Tue May 10 09:46:01 2022)
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found ros-noetic-gazebo-plugins-2.9.2.tar.gz
==> Validating source files with sha256sums...
    ros-noetic-gazebo-plugins-2.9.2.tar.gz ... Passed
==> Making package: ros-noetic-gazebo-plugins 2.9.2-4 (Tue 10 May 2022 09:46:05 AM CEST)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Installing missing dependencies...
error: target not found: ros-noetic-diagnostic-updater
error: target not found: ros-noetic-rosgraph-msgs
error: target not found: ros-noetic-std-srvs
error: target not found: ros-noetic-cv-bridge
error: target not found: ros-noetic-rosconsole
error: target not found: ros-noetic-tf
error: target not found: ros-noetic-std-msgs
error: target not found: ros-noetic-gazebo-msgs
error: target not found: ros-noetic-geometry-msgs
error: target not found: ros-noetic-trajectory-msgs
error: target not found: ros-noetic-dynamic-reconfigure
error: target not found: ros-noetic-message-runtime
error: target not found: ros-noetic-nodelet
error: target not found: ros-noetic-tf2-ros
error: target not found: ros-noetic-urdf
error: target not found: ros-noetic-nav-msgs
error: target not found: ros-noetic-sensor-msgs
error: target not found: ros-noetic-visualization-msgs
error: target not found: ros-noetic-camera-info-manager
error: target not found: ros-noetic-angles
error: target not found: ros-noetic-roscpp
error: target not found: ros-noetic-polled-camera
error: target not found: ros-noetic-image-transport
error: target not found: ros-noetic-gazebo-dev
error: target not found: ros-noetic-rospy
==> ERROR: 'pacman' failed to install missing dependencies.
==> Missing dependencies:
  -> ros-noetic-diagnostic-updater
  -> ros-noetic-rosgraph-msgs
  -> ros-noetic-std-srvs
  -> ros-noetic-cv-bridge
  -> ros-noetic-rosconsole
  -> ros-noetic-tf
  -> ros-noetic-std-msgs
  -> ros-noetic-gazebo-msgs
  -> ros-noetic-geometry-msgs
  -> ros-noetic-trajectory-msgs
  -> ros-noetic-dynamic-reconfigure
  -> ros-noetic-message-runtime
  -> ros-noetic-nodelet
  -> ros-noetic-tf2-ros
  -> ros-noetic-urdf
  -> ros-noetic-nav-msgs
  -> ros-noetic-sensor-msgs
  -> ros-noetic-visualization-msgs
  -> ros-noetic-camera-info-manager
  -> ros-noetic-angles
  -> ros-noetic-roscpp
  -> ros-noetic-polled-camera
  -> ros-noetic-image-transport
  -> ros-noetic-gazebo-dev
  -> ros-noetic-rospy
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Installing missing dependencies...
error: target not found: ros-noetic-diagnostic-updater
error: target not found: ros-noetic-rosgraph-msgs
error: target not found: ros-noetic-std-srvs
error: target not found: ros-noetic-cv-bridge
error: target not found: ros-noetic-rosconsole
error: target not found: ros-noetic-tf
error: target not found: ros-noetic-std-msgs
error: target not found: ros-noetic-gazebo-msgs
error: target not found: ros-noetic-catkin
error: target not found: ros-noetic-gazebo-dev
error: target not found: ros-noetic-geometry-msgs
error: target not found: ros-noetic-dynamic-reconfigure
error: target not found: ros-noetic-trajectory-msgs
error: target not found: ros-noetic-nodelet
error: target not found: ros-noetic-tf2-ros
error: target not found: ros-noetic-urdf
error: target not found: ros-noetic-nav-msgs
error: target not found: ros-noetic-sensor-msgs
error: target not found: ros-noetic-visualization-msgs
error: target not found: ros-noetic-camera-info-manager
error: target not found: ros-noetic-angles
error: target not found: ros-noetic-roscpp
error: target not found: ros-noetic-polled-camera
error: target not found: ros-noetic-image-transport
error: target not found: ros-noetic-message-generation
error: target not found: ros-noetic-rospy
==> ERROR: 'pacman' failed to install missing dependencies.
==> Missing dependencies:
  -> cmake
  -> ros-build-tools
  -> ros-noetic-diagnostic-updater
  -> ros-noetic-rosgraph-msgs
  -> ros-noetic-std-srvs
  -> ros-noetic-cv-bridge
  -> ros-noetic-rosconsole
  -> ros-noetic-tf
  -> ros-noetic-std-msgs
  -> ros-noetic-gazebo-msgs
  -> ros-noetic-catkin
  -> ros-noetic-gazebo-dev
  -> ros-noetic-geometry-msgs
  -> ros-noetic-dynamic-reconfigure
  -> ros-noetic-trajectory-msgs
  -> ros-noetic-nodelet
  -> ros-noetic-tf2-ros
  -> ros-noetic-urdf
  -> ros-noetic-nav-msgs
  -> ros-noetic-sensor-msgs
  -> ros-noetic-visualization-msgs
  -> ros-noetic-camera-info-manager
  -> ros-noetic-angles
  -> ros-noetic-roscpp
  -> ros-noetic-polled-camera
  -> ros-noetic-image-transport
  -> ros-noetic-message-generation
  -> ros-noetic-rospy
==> ERROR: Could not resolve all dependencies.
==> ERROR: Build failed, check /var/lib/aurbuild/x86_64/phil/build
error: failed to download sources for 'ros-noetic-gazebo-plugins-2.9.2-4': failed to run: makechrootpkg -cu -r /var/lib/aurbuild/x86_64 -D /home/phil/.localrepo -d /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ -- -ofA: 
acxz commented 2 years ago

Okay let's start with a smaller piece. Can you try to install ros-noetic-desktop via paru -Syu ros-noetic-desktop --chroot. You can also set a chroot option in the paru configuration file, so you don't need to type --chroot each time, which I recommend.

phtalo commented 2 years ago

I just tried, but again it fails all packages with the same error.

error: failed to download sources for 'python-rosdistro-0.8.3-1': failed to run: makechrootpkg -cu -r /var/lib/aurbuild/x86_64 -D /home/phil/.localrepo -d /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ -- -ofA: 

I believe it is paru not searching the AUR for the dependencies, but I may be mistaken.

acxz commented 2 years ago

yeah it seems so, I'd say first try to make sure that paru can download any random AUR package. Maybe there is some configuration with paru chroot that you are not doing correctly? Asking at the paru github might get u some better help or even on the archlinux matrix chat.

phtalo commented 2 years ago

I'll try that, thank you very much.

acxz commented 2 years ago

@phtalo did you ever get this package compiling?