acxz / pkgbuilds

PKGBUILDs for Arch Linux
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Fix - Python Vispy checksum #243

Closed rurigk closed 1 year ago

rurigk commented 1 year ago

This pr fixes wrong checksum The package still fails to build after this because #221 And the package is orphan

I'm gonna make another pr to try fix that

rurigk commented 1 year ago

The commit 07ec957376a3ac17cce1b909dd7c49a08198e5ec removes setuptools_scm_git_archive plugin from vispy deps because setuptools_scm >= 7.0.0 supports git archives by itself and we have python-setuptools-scm 7.1.0-4 in the repos

After removing setuptools_scm_git_archive vispy builds and should work but keep in mind that it needs testing

I tried testing with some software that uses vispy but a lot of them uses pyqt4 that is not available in the repos

acxz commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the PR @rurigk and truly sorry for the late response. I ended up fixing the vispy checksum issue.

For this PR, you should split it into two. One for the checksum and the other for the setuptools-scm issue.

As for the setuptools-scm issue, this doesn't seem to be an issue as there already exists python-setuptools-scm-archive in the repos. If you want to remove the python-setuptools-scm-archive dep from this PKGBUILD, as mentioned in the related issue, I'll accept a PR after it has been screened by upstream. i.e. make a PR upstream with your changes and then we'll incorporate that PR here as a patch in the pkgbuild.

acxz commented 1 year ago

rec'ing to make another PR that addresses the concerns.