ad-freiburg / qlever-ui

A user interface for QLever
Apache License 2.0
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Result URLs are cut off at whitespace and lead to incorrect locations #9

Closed graue70 closed 4 years ago

graue70 commented 4 years ago

Use the following query on Wikidata Full:

PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX schema: <>
  ?m schema:about wd:Q30 .
  ?m schema:isPartOf <> .

There is one result.

Hovering over the name of the result shows the correct URL to the wikipedia article in the tooltip. However, hovering over the chain symbol next to it (or clicking on it, for that matter) still shows the correct tooltip, but leads to an incorrect URL that is cut off at the whitespace in the article name (or at the underscore, depending on where you look).

This is not dependent on the wikidata entity used. It happens for every entity whose wikipedia article's title contains whitespace.