ad-freiburg / qlever

Very fast SPARQL Engine, which can handle very large knowledge graphs like the complete Wikidata, offers context-sensitive autocompletion for SPARQL queries, and allows combination with text search. It's faster than engines like Blazegraph or Virtuoso, especially for queries involving large result sets.
Apache License 2.0
312 stars 38 forks source link

docker :latest should point to master not latest PR build #1371

Open yarikoptic opened 3 weeks ago

yarikoptic commented 3 weeks ago



so running :latest would result running that PR image.

Ideally, IMHO, :latest should correspond to "latest release" but there seems to be no releases really (and :master to last build on master branch -- all consistent and clear). But it better not to point to some PR (could still be buggy/breaking/etc).

edit 1: it seems to be not quite trivial to filter through all those tags and find commit- tag on docker hub corresponding to master, just need to do it "manually" from looking at commit of current master:

❯ pwd
❯ docker pull adfreiburg/qlever:commit-$(git log -1 --format="%h")
commit-e3dcc9c: Pulling from adfreiburg/qlever
7646c8da3324: Pulling fs layer 
joka921 commented 3 weeks ago


  1. All the published docker images correspond to a commit on the Master branch, there is no intermediate work from unfinished PRs on Dockerhub.
  2. The prXXX tag come from our workflow. We consistently squash each PR into a single commit before merging it, thus each commit on the master branch uniquely identifies a PR. This PR is used as one of the tags. In particular that PR number also appears in the commit message of the corresponding commit. Additionally, each image is also tagged with its commit hash. If you compare the git log of the master branch with the names of the provided images, you should be able to observe the correspondence between those two.

Does this answer your questions and address your concerns?