ad-freiburg / qlever

Very fast SPARQL Engine, which can handle very large knowledge graphs like the complete Wikidata, offers context-sensitive autocompletion for SPARQL queries, and allows combination with text search. It's faster than engines like Blazegraph or Virtuoso, especially for queries involving large result sets.
Apache License 2.0
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Blank nodes in results should be shown as 'unknown value' in the UI #451

Closed graue70 closed 2 years ago

graue70 commented 3 years ago
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
  wd:Q710099 wdt:P20 ?0 .

yields the following result: :1d420e146c92547669e403aa015b1e1b.

On wikidata you can see that the result should be 'unknown value' (and it's been like that since 2016).

joka921 commented 3 years ago

This is a socalled "blank node" which does not have a proper iri <> but just an internal numeric identifier that starts with _: . It is legal to export these internal identifiers. If you want to show "unknown value" as the Wikidata query Service does, you can just replace all results that start with _: by unknown value.

graue70 commented 3 years ago

In that case, would you agree that it is a UI issue? I strongly suggest showing 'unknown value' to the user. Could you please transfer the ticket if you agree?

justin2004 commented 2 years ago

identifiers like _:1d420e146c92547669e403aa015b1e1b are used in most triplestores i've used. fuseki, stardog, etc.

graue70 commented 2 years ago

identifiers like _:1d420e146c92547669e403aa015b1e1b are used in most triplestores i've used. fuseki, stardog, etc.

I'm not arguing about the data format when downloading the data as a file or about the RDF specs. I am saying that a Graphical User Interface like QLever UI which tries to be user friendly should not show internal identifiers but 'no value' instead.

Similarly, the QLever UI already shows a literal like "8850.0"^^<> as 8850.0 so the UI makes the data more visually appealing and understandable already in some regards.

(Note that this issue should be in That's why I asked @joka921 to transfer it there.)

hannahbast commented 2 years ago

@graue70 Thanks, but I am not convinced that how results are displayed on a Wikidata entity page should be a yardstick for how the results of a SPARQL query are displayed.

The Wikidata entity pages are an abstract view of the data, independent of a particular serialization format and independent even of the RDF model. Indeed Wikidata also provides their data as JSON (with arrays and stuff), which is not RDF. See , where you have subsections "JSON Dumps", "RDF Dumps", "XML Dumps", etc.

A SPARQL query is a query on RDF data and the result are flat tables with excerpts of that RDF data. Also note that the result of a SPARQL query is never nested, like much of the information on a Wikidata entity page.

joka921 commented 2 years ago

There is no clear consensus on this, and it does not concern QLever but rather the qlever UI, so I'm closing this.