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Auto-Generate swagger docs for AdonisJS
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Question - Validators #105

Open JulienGaladrim opened 5 days ago

JulienGaladrim commented 5 days ago

How can I use the validators parsing ?

In my project, I have some controllers and some vine schemas for the request body in my Validators folder.

I am trying to add these validators schemas to the swagger as request body with a @requestBody <testValidator> comment but it seems that the validator is not found. My request body stays empty.

I don't think the issue is my comment per say, I made some tests with interfaces and it works well.

ad-on-is commented 5 days ago

what version of adonisjs are you using? validators only work with v6.

Otherwise, could you post your validatior and comment, so I can have a look?

JulienGaladrim commented 5 days ago

Yes, sorry for not adding much details originally.

I am using Adonisjs v6, validators are setup with vine.

My controller is declared in a group_controller.ts file inside a app/controllers/Group folder :

   * @updateGroup
   * @requestBody <testValidator>
  async updateGroup(ctx: HttpContext) {
    await updateGroup(ctx)

I tried to create a custom validator to check, in a test.ts file inside the app/Validators folder :

import vine from '@vinejs/vine'

export const testValidator = vine.compile(
    test: vine.string(),

In this case I get an empty object as request body in the documentation image

Out of curiosity I tried using an interface instead, declared in a test.ts file in the app/Interfaces folder :

export interface TestInterface {
  test: string

And using this TestInterface in the controller's comment works well : image

ad-on-is commented 5 days ago

Oh.. I think I see your issue here.

You say, the file is in app/Validators ... but the structure in adonisjsv6 is lowerCase, so it should be app/validators This should also be reflected in the package.json like this:

"#validators/*": "./app/validators/*.js",

Ignoring the recursive call in your function, I highly doubt, that your validator would have even worked in adonisJS itself.

JulienGaladrim commented 4 days ago

Having my testValidator.ts in the app/validators folder doesn't fix the problem.

In fact all my validators are indeed in the app/validators folder and they work well with my controllers. I made this test validator in a Validators folder because it was written with a capital V in the readme and I wanted to rule out any case issue.

Also there is no recursive call in my controller, the function called comes from another file.

ad-on-is commented 4 days ago

Hmm... Are you on the latest version of AutoSwagger? I've just deployed a new version with more useful debug output... Could you install the new version, and set debug: true in the swagger-config?

JulienGaladrim commented 4 days ago

I was on the v3.52. I upgraded and enabled the logs, should I look for something specific ?

My test.ts file appears in the Found validator files array and my controller is annotated

✓ OK file app/controllers/Group/groups_controller.ts pattern /group/update action updateGroup

I was thinking of setting up a minimal project to check if the problem persists on my side, in this case I'd share it with you.

ad-on-is commented 4 days ago

can you post the whole debug? is the validator recognized in schemas?

GilTRipper commented 2 days ago

Have the same issue. Seems like it doesn't put validators in schema after but create after node ace docs:generate

muteusers commented 21 hours ago

i have problem for adonis 6 i have controller user_controller and have function create

async create({response,request} : HttpContext){ const {firstName,lastName,email,password} = await request.validateUsing(createUserValidator) return response.json({ ok : true, result : { firstName, lastName, email, password } }) } and my createUserValidator is export const createUserValidator = vine.compile( vine.object({ firstName: vine.string(), lastName: vine.string(), email: vine.string().email().unique(async (_db, _value, _field) => { const user = await User.query() .where('email', _value) .first() return !user }), password: vine.string() }) )

but swagger request body is empety how to fix?

ad-on-is commented 21 hours ago

Guys, without a debug output and without the full post of your comnent section of the controller, I cannot help you very much. Please provide (and code-format) more infos