ad-on-is / lidarr-deemix

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items not added to deemix #26

Closed Goeste closed 5 months ago

Goeste commented 5 months ago


I think i got everything setup correcltly, since my search nor returns deemix results.

However here is my docker-compose.yml

version: "3"
    image: youegraillot/lidarr-on-steroids
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "8687:8686" # Lidarr web UI
      - "6596:6595" # Deemix web UI
      - /opt/music/config:/config
      - /opt/music/config:/config_deemix
      - /mnt/deezer/_test/dl:/downloads
      - /mnt/deezer/_test/music:/music
    container_name: lidarr-deemix
      - 8080:8080 # optional, only if you want to expose the port to the host
      - OVERRIDE_MB=true # set to true to override MusicBrainz completely !!! CAUTION !!! will delete all artists/albums imported from MB
      - PRIO_DEEMIX=false # set to true to prioritize Deemix albums over Lidarr (adds dupliactes on existing albums, needs cleanup and rescan)
      - LIDARR_URL=

Now as written, search is working fine. but artists added to the lib have a strange format: whereas 5000 is deezers artist id for "Seeed" what i actually wanted to add. image

The lidarr log say there's a bad gateway...

    <title>502 Bad Gateway</title>
    <h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1>
    <p>[Errno 111] Connect call failed (&#x27;;, 7171)</p>

2024-06-17 12:33:51.1|Info|RefreshArtistService|Updating Info for Seeed
2024-06-17 12:33:51.1|Error|RefreshArtistService|Couldn't refresh info for [aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaa5000][Seeed]

[v1.4.1.3564] NzbDrone.Common.Http.UnexpectedHtmlContentException: Site responded with browser content instead of api data. This disruption may be temporary, please try again later. []
   at NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpClient.CheckResponseContentType(HttpResponse response) in ./Lidarr.Common/Http/HttpClient.cs:line 383
   at NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpClient.GetAsync[T](HttpRequest request) in ./Lidarr.Common/Http/HttpClient.cs:line 335
   at NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpClient.Get[T](HttpRequest request) in ./Lidarr.Common/Http/HttpClient.cs:line 340
   at NzbDrone.Core.MetadataSource.SkyHook.SkyHookProxy.GetArtistInfo(String foreignArtistId, Int32 metadataProfileId) in ./Lidarr.Core/MetadataSource/SkyHook/SkyHookProxy.cs:line 79
   at NzbDrone.Core.Music.RefreshArtistService.GetRemoteData(Artist local, List`1 remote) in ./Lidarr.Core/Music/Services/RefreshArtistService.cs:line 81
   at NzbDrone.Core.Music.RefreshEntityServiceBase`2.RefreshEntityInfo(TEntity local, List`1 remoteList, Boolean forceChildRefresh, Boolean forceUpdateFileTags, Nullable`1 lastUpdate) in ./Lidarr.Core/Music/Services/RefreshEntityServiceBase.cs:line 121
   at NzbDrone.Core.Music.RefreshArtistService.Execute(RefreshArtistCommand message) in ./Lidarr.Core/Music/Services/RefreshArtistService.cs:line 376

Even waiting for 30 min did not help. The items do not get downloaded...

What else would I need to provide to show possible mis-configs?

Best, goeste

ad-on-is commented 5 months ago

Don't mind the strange uuids... it was just me thinking that lidarr expects a specific format for them. they have nothing to do with it.

this library does mot act as a downloader. you have to use a lidarr version that uses deemix as it's downloader and indexer

Goeste commented 5 months ago

yes, I use lidarr-on-steroids, where deemix is set as the downloader. it is working without the proxy tbh. but only the proxy is getting me the corret date and results i need

Goeste commented 5 months ago

it seems the connection to 7171 locally does not work properly...

ad-on-is commented 5 months ago

I also experience some connection issues to deemix for both, indexer and download client, but this somehow resolves itself. I highly doubt it has to do with my library.

i.e. yesterday it did not work, and gave me some IPv6 errors since it could not resolve http://deemix:6565 ... but today it works.

I mean, it is possible that there is an occasional bug with my software that causes errors which I cannot reproduce, but Lidarr itself is also full of bugs. And I'd try to rule out these first.

Goeste commented 5 months ago

ok, cool! thank you!! (Y)

abescalamis commented 5 months ago

Don't mind the strange uuids... it was just me thinking that lidarr expects a specific format for them. they have nothing to do with it.

this library does mot act as a downloader. you have to use a lidarr version that uses deemix as it's downloader and indexer

To confirm, you mean this project only works with the "lidarr-on-steroids", I use the regular standard version.

ad-on-is commented 5 months ago

No, this project should wirk with any Lidarr.