adad184 / MMNavigatorFont

A xcode plugin to change the font of navigator
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highlight band dimension should go with font size #3

Open edoardoc opened 8 years ago

edoardoc commented 8 years ago

as u can see from attached screenshot, increasing font size doesn't increase the blue selector band accordingly and bigger letters gets cut in the bottom.

screen shot 2016-03-24 at 23 02 10

adad184 commented 8 years ago

yep, it's a known problem. :)

no idea how to hook & modify it. Any idea?

edoardoc commented 8 years ago

if I am not mistaken everything happens thanks to

[objc_getClass("DVTTableCellViewOneLine") aspect_hookSelector:@selector(awakeFromNib) withOptions:AspectPositionAfter usingBlock:fontBlock error:nil];

if so I would try and play with AspectPositionAfter

edoardoc commented 8 years ago

but I have no idea if this would be the right way to go :)

adad184 commented 8 years ago

the rowHeight of NSOutlineView can change the height of cell but it only effect when outlineView initialized. it's not work when i change the font.

and though i can change the height, still lot of problem should work out. the frame of the titleLabel and detailTitleLabel of the cell must be adjusted.

so i suggest not to choose a big size font. :)

edoardoc commented 8 years ago

are u talking about property

@property (nonatomic, weak) NSView *outlineView;

in XcodeCustomizeFont.m ?

adad184 commented 8 years ago

yes, it's a type of NSOutlineView, which is a subclass of NSTableView

edoardoc commented 8 years ago

check out this: it looks there is a way to do it, without setting the height in the init section of NSOutlineView. plus, if you set a bigger font, you will see that some of the tabs of the navigator already do that: you can see it clearly in the issue tab (see screen shot 2016-03-27 at 23 58 38 screenshot)