I fixed this by including the device headers in the Adafruit_GFX.h file, but it could be a braking change for users that doesn't use those libraries in their code. So they might have to download the BusIO library as well.
Please review with caution, I don't know how this change could effect others.
Thanks in advance.
Fixing the PlatformIO dependency problem mentioned in; https://community.platformio.org/t/adafruit-gfx-lib-will-not-build-any-more-pio-5/15776/12
I fixed this by including the device headers in the Adafruit_GFX.h file, but it could be a braking change for users that doesn't use those libraries in their code. So they might have to download the BusIO library as well.
Please review with caution, I don't know how this change could effect others. Thanks in advance.