adafruit / Adafruit-ST7735-Library

This is a library for the Adafruit 1.8" SPI display and
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add support for another 160x80 module #118

Open xcqq opened 4 years ago

xcqq commented 4 years ago

The module is used on M5StickC, BGR inverted, x offset 26, y offset 1.

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ladyada commented 4 years ago

i think it may be better to use M5STICK rather than GREENTAB cause the tab colors change

KurtE commented 4 years ago

Hope you don't mind me adding comment...

But trying out some third party 160x80 display (form digikey) with this library as well as my own, nothing works yet, so thought I would try your changes... Still does not work.

But thought I would mention, that if this PR is taken, Whatever the accepted name is for the init parameter, you probably should add it to the keywords.txt file as well.

xcqq commented 4 years ago

i think it may be better to use M5STICK rather than GREENTAB cause the tab colors change

Yes, it's a good idea to make the name better for understanding. But actually, I'm not very clear about the meaning of 'tab colors'. Could you explain more about this?

Hope you don't mind me adding comment...

But trying out some third party 160x80 display (form digikey) with this library as well as my own, nothing works yet, so thought I would try your changes... Still does not work.

But thought I would mention, that if this PR is taken, Whatever the accepted name is for the init parameter, you probably should add it to the keywords.txt file as well.

I'm not sure if we are using the same display... The display can be found on Taobao(in China) and seems also available on eBay. But I can't tell the difference in appearance, they are just look the same. Anyway, I have done some test with the M5StickC: 1abdc570a0eb279fd9d43726b09408a 5f1894d538f675fc77cc10789c53ba7 ea10c7c13bf67312914215208a36e44 94714a74b2c4f0e770017550e48b5e4

I'm not always doing my work on arduino, and for my understanding, the keywords.txt file is used to highlight some keywords of the library, is that right? But I can't find this file in this repo...

KurtE commented 4 years ago

Just an FYI - I just updated our Teensy derivative library ( to maybe support this display. The actual one I tested on was the one sold by both Digikey and Mouser. (

More details up on the PJRC forum thread:

Note: I gave the tab name a rather long name: INITR_MINI160x80_ST7735S I believe my changes are consistent with the python version of the library for this display:

Side note: I also fixed our support for the Adafruit small ST7789 display which I picked up at the same time from Digikey.