adafruit / Adafruit_Adalink

Python wrapper for Segger's J-Link Commander & STMicro STLink V2 to flash various ARM MCUs
MIT License
125 stars 33 forks source link

Does not work with atmel atsamd21 and ST-LINK-V2 #28

Open Gabriel-Gardin opened 4 years ago

Gabriel-Gardin commented 4 years ago

First of all thanks for the great tool!

I was trying to flash the arduino mkr 1400 bootloader using Adalink and ST-LINK V2, but noticed it was not working. After some research found these:

In these topic other people failed to use the stlink-v2 to flash the atsamd21.

In the end I've managed to make a j-link using an stm32 and with that I correctly flashed the arduino mkr 1400 using adalink.

I dont know that this incompatibility is known by adafruit team, but I found valid to make a warn.