adafruit / Adafruit_Adalink

Python wrapper for Segger's J-Link Commander & STMicro STLink V2 to flash various ARM MCUs
MIT License
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Start/Stop GDB Server #7

Closed microbuilder closed 8 years ago

microbuilder commented 9 years ago

It might be worth looking into the possibility of starting and stopping GDB server for basic command-line or IDE based debugging based on either Segger's free GDB Server or GDB support in OpenOCD with the STLink/V2.

Perhaps three commands could be implemented:

This will make certain things easier once we start integrating the boards into the Arduino IDE, and to give a low cost option to see what's going on inside the MCU.

GDB isn't very well understood, but it's quite powerful and I can make a simple tutorial to explain the basics like reading/writing registers and setting breakpoints.

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microbuilder commented 9 years ago

This combined with Legolas should be quite flexible for advanced users to dig up some fairly useful information from the command-line in a cross-platform manner, using either a J-Link or a super cheap STLink/V2.

Given the complexity of WICED and to a lesser extent the nRF51822, it might come in handy once the boards are more widely deployed.

microbuilder commented 8 years ago

JLink's free debugger tool can be used for reasonably complex debugging, including setting watch points, break points, etc., so this probably isn't an issue that immediately needs to be addressed. I'll close the issue and we can reopen it later if necessary.