adafruit / Adafruit_CircuitPlayground

library for Circuit Playground board
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Thermistor Beta Constant #15

Closed caternuson closed 7 years ago

caternuson commented 7 years ago

TLDR: Thermistor Beta constant should be 3380.

Ref. this forum thread: https://forums.a

Ref. this datasheet for the Murata NTC NCP15XH103F03RC:

Datasheet specifies a beta constant of 3380. Current library #defines it to be 3950. The datasheet linked above provides a table of actual resistance vs. temperature values on page 15. Using that, can compare results for Steinhart approximation with different beta constants. As can be seen in the figure below, 3380 provides better results.


ladyada commented 7 years ago

d0h! thats right, was from old breadboard-prototyping code. fixd & bumped