adafruit / Adafruit_CircuitPython_BLE

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) library for CircuitPython
MIT License
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memory allocation error in simpletest #182

Open jerryneedell opened 1 year ago

jerryneedell commented 1 year ago

I have been testing BLE on both a feather_esp32s3 no-psram and on an itsybitsy_nrf52840 and I am seeing the same failure when running the It scans for awhile, then crashes with a memory failure. The failure can happen immediately or after some time. Is this a known issue?

this was run with Adafruit CircuitPython 8.0.3 on 2023-02-23; Adafruit Feather ESP32S3 No PSRAM with ESP32S3 with the example from the bundle

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 ladyada for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

This example scans for any BLE advertisements and prints one advertisement and one scan response
from every device found.

from adafruit_ble import BLERadio

ble = BLERadio()
found = set()
scan_responses = set()
for advertisement in ble.start_scan():
    addr = advertisement.address
    if advertisement.scan_response and addr not in scan_responses:
    elif not advertisement.scan_response and addr not in found:
    print(addr, advertisement)
    print("\t" + repr(advertisement))

print("scan done")


>>> import ble_simpletest
<Address 3d:98:95:8b:92:8e> <Advertisement flags=<AdvertisingFlags general_discovery > >

<Address fc:78:b2:53:3c:99> <Advertisement flags=<AdvertisingFlags general_discovery le_only > >

<Address c8:69:cd:1c:5d:f8> <Advertisement flags=<AdvertisingFlags general_discovery > tx_power=12 >

<Address 46:d8:29:f1:17:5b> <Advertisement flags=<AdvertisingFlags general_discovery > tx_power=12 >

<Address 40:b8:9a:cf:f5:f6> <Advertisement flags=<AdvertisingFlags general_discovery > >

<Address 17:55:cc:7a:05:02> <Advertisement  >

<Address 47:92:59:27:70:98> <Advertisement flags=<AdvertisingFlags general_discovery > >

<Address 35:80:f4:7e:97:48> <Advertisement flags=<AdvertisingFlags general_discovery > >

<Address 7c:fd:13:45:a2:8a> <Advertisement flags=<AdvertisingFlags general_discovery > >

<Address 47:a5:68:c1:19:81> <Advertisement flags=<AdvertisingFlags general_discovery > tx_power=12 >

<Address fc:78:b2:53:76:fd> <Advertisement flags=<AdvertisingFlags general_discovery le_only > >

<Address 40:b8:9a:cf:f5:f6> <Advertisement  >

<Address 7c:7d:c6:54:c8:c2> <Advertisement flags=<AdvertisingFlags general_discovery > tx_power=7 >

<Address a4:c1:38:2b:6d:3b> <Advertisement  >

<Address 74:e4:1f:f4:ad:b7> <Advertisement flags=<AdvertisingFlags general_discovery > tx_power=7 >

<Address f6:e6:c2:f8:9e:27> <Advertisement  >

<Address 06:05:04:03:02:01> <Advertisement complete_name=BMA400_Data >

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 15, in <module>
  File "adafruit_ble/", line 270, in start_scan
MemoryError: memory allocation failed, allocating 62721 bytes

I also have a test program to receive beacon packets and it has the same issue. I have implemented a try/except workaround, but is there something else I should be doing?

Adafruit CircuitPython 8.0.3 on 2023-02-23; Adafruit Feather ESP32S3 No PSRAM with ESP32S3
>>> import ble_bma400_beacon
Exception:  memory allocation failed, allocating 62721 bytes
scan done
<Address 06:05:04:03:02:01> <Advertisement complete_name=BMA400_Data >
battery:  2.5  x:  0.123047  y:  -0.251953  z:  0.917969

Exception:  memory allocation failed, allocating 65179 bytes
scan done
Exception:  memory allocation failed, allocating 63127 bytes
scan done
<Address 06:05:04:03:02:01> <Advertisement complete_name=BMA400_Data >
battery:  2.5  x:  0.121094  y:  -0.25  z:  0.933594

scan done
Exception:  memory allocation failed, allocating 65179 bytes
scan done
Exception:  memory allocation failed, allocating 52853 bytes
scan done
Exception:  memory allocation failed, allocating 52148 bytes
scan done
Exception:  memory allocation failed, allocating 65371 bytes
scan done
<Address 06:05:04:03:02:01> <Advertisement complete_name=BMA400_Data >
battery:  2.5  x:  0.113281  y:  -0.248047  z:  0.923828

<Address 06:05:04:03:02:01> <Advertisement complete_name=BMA400_Data >
battery:  2.5  x:  0.119141  y:  -0.257813  z:  0.933594

<Address 06:05:04:03:02:01> <Advertisement complete_name=BMA400_Data >
battery:  2.5  x:  0.103516  y:  -0.251953  z:  0.923828

Exception:  memory allocation failed, allocating 52853 bytes
scan done

using this code

# This example scans for BMA400_data advertisements from the IN100 beacon

from adafruit_ble import BLERadio

ble = BLERadio()
while (True):
        for advertisement in ble.start_scan():
            addr = advertisement.address
            if advertisement.complete_name == "BMA400_Data"  :
                print(addr, advertisement)
                data= advertisement.data_dict[255]
                voltage = data[2] * .03125
                x_accel = data[4]*256 + data[3]
                y_accel = data[6]*256 + data[5]
                z_accel = data[8]*256 + data[7]
                if x_accel > 2047 :
                   x_accel -= 4096
                if y_accel > 2047 :
                   y_accel -= 4096
                if z_accel > 2047 :
                   z_accel -= 4096
                x_accel = 4* x_accel / 2048
                y_accel = 4* y_accel / 2048
                z_accel = 4* z_accel / 2048
                print("battery: ",voltage," x: ", x_accel," y: ", y_accel," z: ",z_accel)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception: ",e)
        print("scan done")
dhalbert commented 1 year ago

Do you see the same memory issues on nRF52840 in the second case? Development on the BLE support on ESP32-S3 got stalled because we couldn't add services dynamically. We are considering how to fix this but it's a big job.

I wonder if this is a core bug.

jerryneedell commented 1 year ago

I see it on both the esp32s3 and on the nrf52840 with both programs. It is intermittent - sometimes it occurs frequently and sometimes it takes a 10s of seconds. on the last try of the simplest I saw this after quite awhile

<Address 6f:8a:18:3d:83:4b> <Advertisement  >

<Address d9:fe:c2:95:3a:37> <Advertisement  >

<Address f1:46:54:ba:ea:9e> <Advertisement  >

<Address d5:f8:0d:66:20:3f> <Advertisement  >

<Address a4:c1:38:2b:6d:3b> <Advertisement  >

<Address 0c:fe:9a:0e:10:01> <Advertisement  >

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 15, in <module>
  File "adafruit_ble/", line 270, in start_scan
MemoryError: memory allocation failed, allocating 60122 bytes

Could it be reacting to a particularly odd packet?

jerryneedell commented 1 year ago

It is working - with the try/except - on both the esp32s3 and on the nrf52840.

dhalbert commented 1 year ago

Do you see this on 7.3.3 as well, on nRF52840?

jerryneedell commented 1 year ago

So far, I have not been able to reproduce it on the nrf52840 with 7.3.3

tannewt commented 1 year ago

Is it always 60k bytes to allocate?

helpfulchicken commented 1 year ago

I have this issue on a nRF52840DK too, running a slightly modified BLE UART example:

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Dan Halbert for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

# Connect to an "eval()" service over BLE UART.

from adafruit_ble import BLERadio
from adafruit_ble.advertising.standard import ProvideServicesAdvertisement
from import UARTService

ble = BLERadio()

uart_connection = None

while True:
    print("Reading adverts forever..")
    #advIter = ble.start_scan(ProvideServicesAdvertisement)
    advIter = ble.start_scan() # get any advertisements

    i = 0
    for adv in advIter:
        print("Adv %i" %i)
        i = i+1

I eventually get the memory allocation error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 21, in File "adafruit_ble/", line 271, in start_scan MemoryError: memory allocation failed, allocating 65293 bytes

Where line 21 was for adv in advIter: