adafruit / Adafruit_CircuitPython_DHT

CircuitPython support for DHT11 and DHT22 type temperature/humidity devices
MIT License
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Change in the Bitbang Trigger calculation #62

Closed jposada202020 closed 3 years ago

jposada202020 commented 3 years ago

I have modified the trigger calculation. According to the Intenet there is a difference in the trigger time for the DHT11 and DHT22. This is take into account in the library in the Child classes with the parameter

class DHT11(DHTBase):
    """Support for DHT11 device.
    :param ~board.Pin pin: digital pin used for communication
    def __init__(self, pin, use_pulseio=_USE_PULSEIO):
        super().__init__(True, pin, 18000, use_pulseio)

class DHT22(DHTBase):
    """Support for DHT22 device.

    :param ~board.Pin pin: digital pin used for communication
    def __init__(self, pin, use_pulseio=_USE_PULSEIO):
        super().__init__(False, pin, 1000, use_pulseio)

However, this is not calculated for the Bitbang portion, and the time used is the time normally used for the DHT22 sensor.

Calculation when pulling the line down to start the lecture will be calculated according to the self._trig_waitparameter that depends on the sensor used

            dhtpin.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
            dhtpin.value = True
            dhtpin.value = False
            time.sleep(self._trig_wait // 1000000)  

Old C library different time, maybe that is why for a lot of people this works better. (if interested see this