adafruit / Adafruit_CircuitPython_DotStar

Dotstarrin' away in CircuitPython land
MIT License
46 stars 38 forks source link

Not Fast enough #57

Closed oussamajegham closed 2 years ago

oussamajegham commented 2 years ago

Think you for your great effort , I have a problem i would be grateful if you could help me to solve it , I am building a POV Display project , My motor is turning 25 spin per second (1500 RPM) , there is 64 LEDs of HD107S (same to Dotstar but have much higher addressing frequency "30 Mhz" ) , the problem is the speed of scanning is not fast enough, therefore I see lines and not dots i barely show the flower , is there any way to speed up scanning time ? like change the frequency for example .... 229133030_362877652178721_2239607621087714214_n

Testing the Dotstar library give better result than Apa102-pi library , but it still far from objective , i didn't find how to change frequency , and it seems that the library get the value and send it at same time , therefor there is much time loss ,I would be grateful if you can help to find way to set higher frequency , in order to have the less refresh time possible . Dotstar VS Apa102-pi lib

Apa102-pi loop :

while 1: if GPIO.input(15) == GPIO.HIGH: strip.set_pixel_rgb(30, 0x00000F) strip.set_pixel_rgb(30, 0x000000)

Dotstar loop :

while 1: if GPIO.input(15) == GPIO.HIGH: pixels[30] = (10, 0, 0) pixels[30] = (0, 0, 0)

tannewt commented 2 years ago

Please ask about this on the support forum:

We'll want to know details about what you are running the code on as well.