Open 10bn opened 2 years ago
Hi, eventhough this is depricated, could maybe someone provide an example for how to use this in SoftAP Mode?
This is my first approach but it's missing ssid name, pw and for sure other imortant lines. It would be great if someone could help with this. :)
# Adafruit CircuitPython 7.3.2 on 2022-07-20; Challenger NB RP2040 WiFi with rp2040 # References: # - import time import board import busio from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction import rtc from adafruit_espatcontrol import adafruit_espatcontrol, adafruit_espatcontrol_wifimanager # Setup system LED led = DigitalInOut(board.LED) led.direction = Direction.OUTPUT # Print Board ID print(board.board_id) # Get wifi details and more from a file try: from secrets import secrets except ImportError: print("WiFi secrets are kept in, please add them there!") raise # Debug Level # Change the Debug Flag if you have issues with AT commands debugflag = False # How Long to sleep between polling sleep_duration = 5 # Wifi settings for challenger_nb_rp2040_wifi RX = board.ESP_RX TX = board.ESP_TX resetpin = DigitalInOut(board.WIFI_RESET) rtspin = False uart = busio.UART(TX, RX, baudrate=11520, receiver_buffer_size=2048) esp_boot = DigitalInOut(board.WIFI_MODE) esp_boot.direction = Direction.OUTPUT esp_boot.value = True status_light = None print("ESP AT commands") esp = adafruit_espatcontrol.ESP_ATcontrol( uart, 115200, reset_pin=resetpin, rts_pin=rtspin, debug=debugflag ) print("Resetting ESP module") esp.hard_reset() print(esp.get_version()) esp.mode = adafruit_espatcontrol.ESP_ATcontrol.MODE_SOFTAP # Complete project details at def web_page(): if led.value() == 1: gpio_state="ON" else: gpio_state="OFF" html = """<html><head> <title>ESP Web Server</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link rel="icon" href="data:,"> <style>html{font-family: Helvetica; display:inline-block; margin: 0px auto; text-align: center;} h1{color: #0F3376; padding: 2vh;}p{font-size: 1.5rem;}.button{display: inline-block; background-color: #e7bd3b; border: none; border-radius: 4px; color: white; padding: 16px 40px; text-decoration: none; font-size: 30px; margin: 2px; cursor: pointer;} .button2{background-color: #4286f4;}</style></head><body> <h1>ESP Web Server</h1> <p>GPIO state: <strong>""" + gpio_state + """</strong></p><p><a href="/?led=on"><button class="button">ON</button></a></p> <p><a href="/?led=off"><button class="button button2">OFF</button></a></p></body></html>""" return html s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(('', 80)) s.listen(5) while True: conn, addr = s.accept() print('Got a connection from %s' % str(addr)) request = conn.recv(1024) request = str(request) print('Content = %s' % request) led_on = request.find('/?led=on') led_off = request.find('/?led=off') if led_on == 6: print('LED ON') led.value(1) if led_off == 6: print('LED OFF') led.value(0) response = web_page() conn.send('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n') conn.send('Content-Type: text/html\n') conn.send('Connection: close\n\n') conn.sendall(response) conn.close()
Hi, eventhough this is depricated, could maybe someone provide an example for how to use this in SoftAP Mode?
This is my first approach but it's missing ssid name, pw and for sure other imortant lines. It would be great if someone could help with this. :)