I've got the new featherwing capacitive display, Part# 5872, that uses this library. I'm setting up a background and shapes using displayio and other display libraries that give me my desired display orientation in landscape. The X coordinate is horizontal, the Y coordinate is vertical and the origin is in the upper left corner.
But..........this touch display places the X coordinate vertical, the Y coordinate horizontal and the origin is in the lower left corner. This makes it a challenge to get a touch button to work properly. Can the library be altered to have the coordinate system match the adafruit_display_shapes and the adafruit_button coordinate systems?
Hi, I've got the new featherwing capacitive display, Part# 5872, that uses this library. I'm setting up a background and shapes using displayio and other display libraries that give me my desired display orientation in landscape. The X coordinate is horizontal, the Y coordinate is vertical and the origin is in the upper left corner. But..........this touch display places the X coordinate vertical, the Y coordinate horizontal and the origin is in the lower left corner. This makes it a challenge to get a touch button to work properly. Can the library be altered to have the coordinate system match the adafruit_display_shapes and the adafruit_button coordinate systems?