adafruit / Adafruit_CircuitPython_RFM69

CircuitPython module for the RFM69 series of 433/915 mhz packet radios.
MIT License
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standard python and interrupt - update documentation #36

Open Pythonaire opened 3 years ago

Pythonaire commented 3 years ago

this library works very well (little modification) in conjunction with python3 on a raspberry, a Adafruit RFM69 breakout board and the interrupt feature (DIO0). In my case, the raspberry work as a bridge between a RFM69-network and LAN.

To use this: io.setup(self.dio0_pin, io.IN,pull_up_down=io.PUD_DOWN)


io.add_event_detect(self.dio0_pin, io.RISING, callback = the_script_to_handle_the data)

maybe people are interested in this.

jerryneedell commented 3 years ago

It is very good to know it has been working well for you. There is an example for this in the repository

Did you have to make any changes to the library? If so, please share them or create a PR to add them.

Pythonaire commented 3 years ago

Yes, it works well and stable since months. The only things, thats different: i waive the extra check of payload.ready and set a time delay of 50 ms after each send/received Action, to make shure, i get no overlapping.

jerryneedell commented 3 years ago

Are those changes in your application code or in the library? If they are in the library would you please post a copy of your modified library. I'd like to see exactly what you changed.

Pythonaire commented 3 years ago

the files are placed here:

jerryneedell commented 3 years ago

@Pythonaire Thank you. I am a bit confused. The files you posted include which appears to be a very old version of the library. Is that what you are using? I don't see where you made your changes. Your imports adafruit_rfm69 but what version of the library are you using?

jerryneedell commented 3 years ago

Ah - I see that uses the

Pythonaire commented 3 years ago

yes - this driver is the older version. the changes are marginal, just suppress the permanent listening of payload_ready bit. May be i'm wrong - i'm stumbled across the note ".. note:: The D0/interrupt line is currently unused by this module and can remain unconnected."(line 153). I need the "fire and forget" technic (no "reliable datagram"), because of my use case and the interrupt feature is the solution i needed. The raspberry is a Apple homekit bridge for sensors and switches.

jerryneedell commented 3 years ago

hmm -- I will look into that comment about D0 - hopefully it is just a comment that should have ben removed. I know the interrupt works for the rfm9x library but I have to tested it on the rfm69 for a long time. Thank you for pointing that out. I will test it.

Also note that "fire and forget" is still the default for sending packets, "reliable datagram" is available, but not required.

jerryneedell commented 3 years ago

I just tested the interrupt example using 2 Raspberry Pis with rfm69 bonnets. It does work!

pi@gjnpirfm69:~/projects/blinka/rfm69 $ python3
Temperature: 32.0C
Frequency: 915.0mhz
Bit rate: 250.0kbit/s
Frequency deviation: 250000.0hz
IRQ detected on pin 22 payload_ready <bound method RFM69.payload_ready of <adafruit_rfm69.RFM69 object at 0xb655a990>> 
Sent hello world message!
Waiting for packets...
IRQ detected on pin 22 payload_ready <bound method RFM69.payload_ready of <adafruit_rfm69.RFM69 object at 0xb655a990>> 
Received (raw bytes): bytearray(b'Hello world!\r\n')
['0x48', '0x65', '0x6c', '0x6c', '0x6f', '0x20', '0x77', '0x6f', '0x72', '0x6c', '0x64', '0x21', '0xd', '0xa']
RSSI: -26.5
received message!

I will review the code and update the comments -- For normal use, D0 does not have to be connected, but it can be used on a Raspberry Pi as in the example.

Pythonaire commented 3 years ago

i think, waiting for an interrupt is much better, than permanent cycling through the code.