@b-blake requested and provided fixes for alarm2 on the DS3231. Changes were minimal and easy confirm function example of alarm2 test used. Before patch would result fail to set alarm2 for minute alerts and return status of None. After this PR minute alarm2 can be set and proper status is returned as minutely. Also corrected the order of hours minutes seconds which was jumped up (aesthetic request from Bruce).
test code used on RP2040 Metro + Stemma QT connected DS3231
import time
import board
import busio
import adafruit_ds3231
i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
rtc = adafruit_ds3231.DS3231(i2c)
# Set Alarm1 to trigger every minute
rtc.alarm2 = (time.struct_time((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1)), "minutely")
rtc.alarm2_interrupt = True
def compact(t):
t = str(t)
t = t.replace(",", "")
t = t.replace("'", "")
t = t.replace("(s", "")
t = t.replace("(", " ")
t = t.replace(")", " ")
t = t.replace(" ", " ")
t = t.split(' ')
u = t[0]
u = u.replace("_", " ")
t[0] = u[2]
for v in range(1, 12):
w = t[v].replace("=", " ")
w = w.split(' ')
#print(v, w)
if v == 10: t[v-1] = w[0]
elif v == 11: t[v-1] = w[0]
else: t[v-1] = w[1]
#print(v, t[v])
print("{0:04}/{1:02}/{2:02} {3:02}:{4:02}:{5:02} {6:} {7:} {8:} {9:} {10:}".format(int(t[0]), int(t[1]), int(t[2]), int(t[3]), int(t[4]), int(t[5]), int(t[6]), int(t[7]), int(t[8]), t[9], t[10]))
return t
while True:
if rtc.alarm2_status:
print("Alarm triggered!")
rtc.alarm2_status = False # Clear the alarm status
@b-blake requested and provided fixes for alarm2 on the DS3231. Changes were minimal and easy confirm function example of alarm2 test used. Before patch would result fail to set alarm2 for minute alerts and return status of None. After this PR minute alarm2 can be set and proper status is returned as minutely. Also corrected the order of hours minutes seconds which was jumped up (aesthetic request from Bruce).
test code used on RP2040 Metro + Stemma QT connected DS3231