adafruit / Adafruit_CircuitPython_ServoKit

CircuitPython helper library for the PWM/Servo FeatherWing, Shield and Pi HAT kits.
MIT License
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Facing angular movement issue. #8

Closed cis-apoorv closed 5 years ago

cis-apoorv commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to rotate the servo in a while loop by increment of 10 degrees on every iteration. I've set the acutation angle to 180 degrees, but when I tried to rotate the motor to 180 degrees it move upto a certain angle then stopped. I perform check on the angle then I found that whenever I set the angle of motor to 0 degrees it set the value of the servo to -0.36600244001626675.

When I set servo angle to 0-degree

>>> kit.servo[1].angle=0
>>> kit.servo[1].angle

When I set servo angle to 180-degrees

>>> kit.servo[1].angle=180
>>> kit.servo[1].angle

Can you please help me out with this?

dastels commented 5 years ago

Servos can be somewhat inconsistent and your code often needs some tweaking. You might have to adjust the min and max pulse widths. These guides might be useful:,,

cis-apoorv commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot @dastels sir! It is working like a charm. I've set the minimum and maximum pulse to 500, 2500 and now I'm getting perfect angular movement in the servo.