adafruit / Adafruit_FONA

Arduino library for the Adafruit FONA
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fona.GPRSState reports enabled when GPRS has not yet been enabled #104

Open chenein opened 5 years ago

chenein commented 5 years ago


The fona.GPRSState command returns true as soon as the network status changes from a disconnected to a connected state, even if the fona.enableGPRS(true) function has not yet been called.

The issue may be in the modem itself, as the AT+CGATT? command returns 1 in this case when it should not.

This issue prevents me from making a sketch that automatically reconnects GPRS if it unexpectedly goes down. This is because the fona.GPRSState function doesn't accurately report when GPRS is up and down.

I am attaching a version of the FONAtest sketch that has an extra command (D) to run fona.GPRSState. It can be used to validate this bug. You will see that 'D' returns '0' while the modem is trying to connect to the network. However, upon connecting, 'D' begins returning '1' even though the 'G' (Enable GPRS) command has not yet been run.

jegjessing commented 4 years ago

Any news on this?

chenein commented 4 years ago

I haven't heard anything. Still interested in whether this could be fixed though.