adafruit / Adafruit_FONA

Arduino library for the Adafruit FONA
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Response of content not got #130

Open roysG opened 3 years ago

roysG commented 3 years ago

Hi, i send these commands, the request is sending, but i do not get the response data.

This is the code:

fona.sendCheckReply(F("AT+CGACT?"),1000); fona.sendCheckReply(F("AT+CGCONTRDP"),1000); fona.sendCheckReply(F("AT+CHTTPCREATE="),1000); fona.sendCheckReply(F("AT+CHTTPCON=0"),1000); fona.sendCheckReply(F("AT+CHTTPSEND=0,0,/test.php"),1000); fona.sendCheckReply(F("AT+CHTTPDISCON=0"),1000); fona.sendCheckReply(F("AT+CHTTPDESTROY=0"),1000);