adafruit / Adafruit_ILI9340

This is a library for the Adafruit 2.2" SPI display.
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RST is optional #17

Closed seth10 closed 7 years ago

seth10 commented 7 years ago

From what I can tell the RST parameter does not have a default argument. If we opt to not use it, what value should we pass when constructing?

ladyada commented 7 years ago

any other pin, and connect it to the arduino RESET

seth10 commented 7 years ago

Here is an excerpt from the graphicstest example:

// These are the pins used for the UNO
// for Due/Mega/Leonardo use the hardware SPI pins (which are different)
#define _sclk 13
#define _miso 12
#define _mosi 11
#define _cs 10
#define _dc 9
#define _rst 8

// Using software SPI is really not suggested, its incredibly slow
//Adafruit_ILI9340 tft = Adafruit_ILI9340(_cs, _dc, _mosi, _sclk, _rst, _miso);
// Use hardware SPI
Adafruit_ILI9340 tft = Adafruit_ILI9340(_cs, _dc, _rst);

Here _rst is defined as 8. I do not have a pin number for reset, only the first two (_cs,_dc). What should I pass as the third argument to the Adafruit_ILI9340 contructor?

ladyada commented 7 years ago

some disconnected pin. that's the only thing supported right now.

seth10 commented 7 years ago

@ladyada Okay, thank you!