adafruit / Adafruit_NeoTrellisM4

Example sketches for the NeoTrellis M4 board
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How to expand NeoTrellisM4 with tiled NeoTrellis boards? #22

Open okyeron opened 4 years ago

okyeron commented 4 years ago

The NeoTrellisM4 library for Arduino seems to be lacking functionality to tile additional NeoTrellis boards to expand the button grid.

This seems very odd as the NeoTrellisM4 hardware was obviously designed to be tiled with additional NeoTrellis boards.

Looking at the original NeoTrellis library, it appears to be incompatible with the M4 library (trying to use Adafruit_MultiTrellis with Adafruit_NeoTrellisM4 objects throws errors) - what can be done to get the M4 library to inherit whatever parts are needed from the original NeoTrellis library?

ladyada commented 4 years ago

hi what are the errors?

okyeron commented 4 years ago

Reported the errors on the forum (link below) but thought I should follow up with the Arduino source as the solution there was for circuitpython

ladyada commented 4 years ago

yah you can't pass in the two objects, they're not compatible. you could create new objects as a separate NeoTrellisMatrix and then handle those separately.

okyeron commented 4 years ago

Right - a friend helped walk me through the libs last night and he pointed out the incompatibility there.

FWIW - I'm not much of a C/C++ coder, so unfortunately some of the object stuff here is a bit over my skill level. Any example code would help immensely.

Is there any likelihood of the NeoTrellis 4x4 functionality being integrated directly into the NeoTrellisM4 library?

ladyada commented 4 years ago

we dont have any example code for the exact thing you're looking to DIY you should be able to add the library code from this guide and run it, and get both internal and external matricies, then address them separately! if someone submits a PR for the direct integration we're happy to add it, there's no ETA on us doing that in-house

deepdivered commented 1 year ago

I think this project does what your asking. It's using arduino libreries. Any way to make this work with circuitpyyhon?