Open damomad12 opened 7 months ago
Oops, I accidently closed the issue. Sorry, I've opened it again
Forums thread is here:
Thank you for all your testing. You mentioned in the forum posts that if wifi is not in use, you don't see the interference. My guess is that wifi activity is interrupting Protomatter's dumping data to the panels. Protomatter uses up a lot of CPU time at interrupt level driving the panels, which have to be driven in real time with precise timing. The more panels, the more time it takes. The wifi activity may be running at a higher priority, or perhaps at some point the wifi activity can no longer be deferred and takes priority. This is just speculation. (I am not necessarily the person who would work on this.)
Hi. Thanks for your reply.
As I told at the starting post: "Although I noticed (on both devices 1 and 2) just a bit of this distortion about every 15 sec (more or less), it was not of importance." So there was an ocasional interference from time to time, but not that important.
Ok I understand your guess. Is there anyway I can lower the priority or the wifi activity or Protomatter 's dumping data, so I can find any improvement?
On the other hand, if I tell Protomatter that it's displays width is 64 instead of 128, no interference appears, although the same info is seen on both screens. I suppose that's due to the fact that it takes double time to send info to the 128 screen instead of a 2x64. Could this be right?
If you are not necessarily the person to work on this, will there be anyone else who may help me?
Thank you for your support.
Hello. We're experencing simillar issue from S3 with large matrix. Using sample code from protomatter(doublebuffer_scrolltext) changing some parameter reproduces this issue.
Also this interference is not occuring from MatrixPortal M4 with same code.
Scrolltext from S3 - tearing occurs(0:40)
Scrolltext from M4 - no tearing
What we're going to do - displaying large gif images and some text message. We're looking for using S3 than M4 for larger ram and flash size, but this issue needs to be resolved before using it.
The code below is sample code what we used from video (width 192, height 64, bitdepth 4, text size 2)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Double-buffering (smooth animation) Protomatter library example.
Comments here pare down many of the basics and focus on the new concepts.
This example is written for a 64x32 matrix but can be adapted to others.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <Adafruit_Protomatter.h>
#include <Fonts/FreeSansBold18pt7b.h> // Large friendly font
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The RGB matrix must be wired to VERY SPECIFIC pins, different for each
microcontroller board. This first section sets that up for a number of
supported boards.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#if defined(_VARIANT_MATRIXPORTAL_M4_) // MatrixPortal M4
uint8_t rgbPins[] = {7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12};
uint8_t addrPins[] = {17, 18, 19, 20, 21};
uint8_t clockPin = 14;
uint8_t latchPin = 15;
uint8_t oePin = 16;
#elif defined(ARDUINO_ADAFRUIT_MATRIXPORTAL_ESP32S3) // MatrixPortal ESP32-S3
uint8_t rgbPins[] = {42, 41, 40, 38, 39, 37};
uint8_t addrPins[] = {45, 36, 48, 35, 21};
uint8_t clockPin = 2;
uint8_t latchPin = 47;
uint8_t oePin = 14;
#elif defined(_VARIANT_FEATHER_M4_) // Feather M4 + RGB Matrix FeatherWing
uint8_t rgbPins[] = {6, 5, 9, 11, 10, 12};
uint8_t addrPins[] = {A5, A4, A3, A2};
uint8_t clockPin = 13;
uint8_t latchPin = 0;
uint8_t oePin = 1;
#elif defined(__SAMD51__) // M4 Metro Variants (Express, AirLift)
uint8_t rgbPins[] = {6, 5, 9, 11, 10, 12};
uint8_t addrPins[] = {A5, A4, A3, A2};
uint8_t clockPin = 13;
uint8_t latchPin = 0;
uint8_t oePin = 1;
#elif defined(_SAMD21_) // Feather M0 variants
uint8_t rgbPins[] = {6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13};
uint8_t addrPins[] = {0, 1, 2, 3};
uint8_t clockPin = SDA;
uint8_t latchPin = 4;
uint8_t oePin = 5;
#elif defined(NRF52_SERIES) // Special nRF52840 FeatherWing pinout
uint8_t rgbPins[] = {6, A5, A1, A0, A4, 11};
uint8_t addrPins[] = {10, 5, 13, 9};
uint8_t clockPin = 12;
uint8_t latchPin = PIN_SERIAL1_RX;
uint8_t oePin = PIN_SERIAL1_TX;
#elif USB_VID == 0x239A && USB_PID == 0x8113 // Feather ESP32-S3 No PSRAM
// M0/M4/RP2040 Matrix FeatherWing compatible:
uint8_t rgbPins[] = {6, 5, 9, 11, 10, 12};
uint8_t addrPins[] = {A5, A4, A3, A2};
uint8_t clockPin = 13; // Must be on same port as rgbPins
uint8_t latchPin = RX;
uint8_t oePin = TX;
#elif USB_VID == 0x239A && USB_PID == 0x80EB // Feather ESP32-S2
// M0/M4/RP2040 Matrix FeatherWing compatible:
uint8_t rgbPins[] = {6, 5, 9, 11, 10, 12};
uint8_t addrPins[] = {A5, A4, A3, A2};
uint8_t clockPin = 13; // Must be on same port as rgbPins
uint8_t latchPin = RX;
uint8_t oePin = TX;
#elif defined(ESP32)
// 'Safe' pins, not overlapping any peripherals:
// GPIO.out: 4, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 27, GPIO.out1: 32, 33
// Peripheral-overlapping pins, sorted from 'most expendible':
// 16, 17 (RX, TX)
// 25, 26 (A0, A1)
// 18, 5, 9 (MOSI, SCK, MISO)
// 22, 23 (SCL, SDA)
uint8_t rgbPins[] = {4, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21};
uint8_t addrPins[] = {16, 17, 25, 26};
uint8_t clockPin = 27; // Must be on same port as rgbPins
uint8_t latchPin = 32;
uint8_t oePin = 33;
#elif defined(ARDUINO_TEENSY40)
uint8_t rgbPins[] = {15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22}; // A1-A3, A6-A8, skip SDA,SCL
uint8_t addrPins[] = {2, 3, 4, 5};
uint8_t clockPin = 23; // A9
uint8_t latchPin = 6;
uint8_t oePin = 9;
#elif defined(ARDUINO_TEENSY41)
uint8_t rgbPins[] = {26, 27, 38, 20, 21, 22}; // A12-14, A6-A8
uint8_t addrPins[] = {2, 3, 4, 5};
uint8_t clockPin = 23; // A9
uint8_t latchPin = 6;
uint8_t oePin = 9;
// RP2040 support requires the Earle Philhower board support package;
// will not compile with the Arduino Mbed OS board package.
// The following pinout works with the Adafruit Feather RP2040 and
// original RGB Matrix FeatherWing (M0/M4/RP2040, not nRF version).
// Pin numbers here are GP## numbers, which may be different than
// the pins printed on some boards' top silkscreen.
uint8_t rgbPins[] = {8, 7, 9, 11, 10, 12};
uint8_t addrPins[] = {25, 24, 29, 28};
uint8_t clockPin = 13;
uint8_t latchPin = 1;
uint8_t oePin = 0;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Matrix initialization is explained EXTENSIVELY in "simple" example sketch!
It's very similar here, but we're passing "true" for the last argument,
enabling double-buffering -- this permits smooth animation by having us
draw in a second "off screen" buffer while the other is being shown.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Adafruit_Protomatter matrix(
192, // Matrix width in pixels
4, // Bit depth -- 6 here provides maximum color options
1, rgbPins, // # of matrix chains, array of 6 RGB pins for each
5, addrPins, // # of address pins (height is inferred), array of pins
clockPin, latchPin, oePin, // Other matrix control pins
// Sundry globals used for animation ---------------------------------------
int16_t textX; // Current text position (X)
int16_t textY; // Current text position (Y)
int16_t textMin; // Text pos. (X) when scrolled off left edge
char str[64]; // Buffer to hold scrolling message text
int16_t ball[3][4] = {
{ 3, 0, 1, 1 }, // Initial X,Y pos+velocity of 3 bouncy balls
{ 17, 15, 1, -1 },
{ 27, 4, -1, 1 }
uint16_t ballcolor[3]; // Colors for bouncy balls (init in setup())
// SETUP - RUNS ONCE AT PROGRAM START --------------------------------------
void setup(void) {
// Initialize matrix...
ProtomatterStatus status = matrix.begin();
Serial.print("Protomatter begin() status: ");
if(status != PROTOMATTER_OK) {
// DO NOT CONTINUE if matrix setup encountered an error.
// Unlike the "simple" example, we don't do any drawing in setup().
// But we DO initialize some things we plan to animate...
// Set up the scrolling message...
sprintf(str, "Adafruit %dx%d RGB LED Matrix",
matrix.width(), matrix.height());
matrix.setFont(&FreeSansBold18pt7b); // Use nice bitmap font
matrix.setTextWrap(false); // Allow text off edge
matrix.setTextSize(2); // fix for height 64
matrix.setTextColor(0xFFFF); // White
int16_t x1, y1;
uint16_t w, h;
matrix.getTextBounds(str, 0, 0, &x1, &y1, &w, &h); // How big is it?
textMin = -w; // All text is off left edge when it reaches this point
textX = matrix.width(); // Start off right edge
textY = matrix.height() / 2 - (y1 + h / 2); // Center text vertically
// Note: when making scrolling text like this, the setTextWrap(false)
// call is REQUIRED (to allow text to go off the edge of the matrix),
// AND it must be BEFORE the getTextBounds() call (or else that will
// return the bounds of "wrapped" text).
// Set up the colors of the bouncy balls.
ballcolor[0] = matrix.color565(0, 20, 0); // Dark green
ballcolor[1] = matrix.color565(0, 0, 20); // Dark blue
ballcolor[2] = matrix.color565(20, 0, 0); // Dark red
// LOOP - RUNS REPEATEDLY AFTER SETUP --------------------------------------
void loop(void) {
// Every frame, we clear the background and draw everything anew.
// This happens "in the background" with double buffering, that's
// why you don't see everything flicker. It requires double the RAM,
// so it's not practical for every situation.
matrix.fillScreen(0); // Fill background black
// Draw the big scrolly text
matrix.setCursor(textX, textY);
// Update text position for next frame. If text goes off the
// left edge, reset its position to be off the right edge.
if((--textX) < textMin) textX = matrix.width();
// Draw the three bouncy balls on top of the text...
for(byte i=0; i<3; i++) {
// Draw 'ball'
matrix.fillCircle(ball[i][0], ball[i][1], 5, ballcolor[i]);
// Update ball's X,Y position for next frame
ball[i][0] += ball[i][2];
ball[i][1] += ball[i][3];
// Bounce off edges
if((ball[i][0] == 0) || (ball[i][0] == (matrix.width() - 1)))
ball[i][2] *= -1;
if((ball[i][1] == 0) || (ball[i][1] == (matrix.height() - 1)))
ball[i][3] *= -1;
delay(20); // 20 milliseconds = ~50 frames/second
Hi, I'm experiencing the same issue using CircuitPython. Same exact sparkles as the videos above.
I am also running a bigger than usual matrix display at 128x64 (non-adafruit) I also had no issues when using a MatrixPortal M4 - the issues only appear on a MatrixPortal S3. Maybe the M4 draws less power? Running the exact same code on both boards.
My issue also stops if I use only half of the display at 64x64, or use less bit depth. I had a little venture and attempted to underclock the CPU to try and draw less power. This actually seems to fix my problem but then introduces an overall flicker/interferance instead of just a few leds sparkling.
I was told on discord after discussing this that my power might not be enough, I'm using a 5V 5A 27W. I do personally think it is indeed power related. So I will attempt to power the matrix separately with plenty of supply and report back.
-- > Hi, I finally solved the issue, take a look at the Adafruit Forum (, were I continued receiving support. I have not tested it with MP M4, although I read somewhere that other people had less issues with this board. Maybe S3 is less powerful than M4?
Hi, I'm experiencing the same issue using CircuitPython. Same exact sparkles as the videos above.
I am also running a bigger than usual matrix display at 128x64 (non-adafruit) I also had no issues when using a MatrixPortal M4 - the issues only appear on a MatrixPortal S3. Maybe the M4 draws less power? Running the exact same code on both boards.
My issue also stops if I use only half of the display at 64x64, or use less bit depth. I had a little venture and attempted to underclock the CPU to try and draw less power. This actually seems to fix my problem but then introduces an overall flicker/interferance instead of just a few leds sparkling. --> I solved it almost with bit depth of 2, and completely with depth bit of 1 I was told on discord after discussing this that my power might not be enough, I'm using a 5V 5A 27W. I do personally think it is indeed power related. So I will attempt to power the matrix separately with plenty of supply and report back. --> I was also suggested that it could be a power issue, but I had more than enough power. Just check your power consupmtion in Amp and if it's significantly less than your power adaptor may deliver, this shouldn't be the issue. Your 5A could be enough depending on how many leds you turn on.... Try first with bit depth of 1!
Unfortunately lowering bitdepth (which does indeed work) is not a viable solution for me as I need different levels of brightness across the screen.
I solved my problem by using another library ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-DMA. Flickerings are gone after changing it.
I'm assuming this problem is related to memory consumption because I can reproduce this issue regardless of number of connected panels, only affects with width, height and bit depth option. (using small panel but set parameter to large size like 128x64 makes same flickering)
Thanks for this! My project is unfortunately all written in CircuitPython using this library (Protomatter/rgbmatrix)
After my power tests it doesn't look like it is power related unfortunately. I have tested it with a separate supply, 5V 10A to the matrix.
I don't think it's memory related as the board has 80% of its memory free after running gc
commands to check.
I think this is a timing issue. If there are any parameters that can be exposed would be great for us to test with.
Since it works perfectly with the MatrixPortal M4 (which has less memory) I will come back to that board for now.
Great you linked that, tested it and it works! But my project is too big to port everything to Arduino now. Maybe the expert devs could look into that library and see what we're missing/is so different from the one we have here in Protomatter?
Just checking if any devs had time to have a look at this? cheers
Hi. I’m experiencing an annoying distortion on the Matrix LED displays. It’s like random horizontal lines (or points) appearing & disappearing. Always at the right side of any LEDs being on. It’s like a copy of the LEDs appearing at their right side.
The HW setup is a Matrix Portal S3 and 2 identical LED Matrix Displays 64x64. The MPS3 is directly connected to one of the displays which is chained to the other display.
Arduino board: Adafruit Matrix Portal S3
Arduino IDE version (found in Arduino -> About Arduino menu): 2.3.2
List the steps to reproduce the problem below (if possible attach a sketch or copy the sketch code in too):
I have 3 different devices:
The HW I’m using is all from Adafruit.
Although I noticed (on both devices 1 and 2) just a bit of this distortion about every 15 sec, it was not of importance. But when I configured & connected the MPS3 to the Internet and to AIO, the effect became very visible and quite annoying. This was on both MPS3 +2 chained displays, devices 1 and 2. On device 3, the MPS3 single display, never any distortion.
I’ve been in touch with Adafruit’s support and we´ve tried many things to try to find out what was happening: changed the USB-C cable to support high intensity, although the device is consuming about 0,5A, change ribbon cables, configuration, etc.
Always using the same code, if I disconnect the second display, distortion disappears If I use both 64x64 panels, but with a 64x32 SW setup. No interference!!! using: Adafruit_Protomatter matrix(64, 4, 1, rgbPins, 4, addrPins, clockPin, latchPin, oePin, false); If I use both 64x64 panels, but with 64x64 SW setup. Interference appears again using: Adafruit_Protomatter matrix(128, 4, 1, rgbPins, 5, addrPins, clockPin, latchPin, oePin, false);
Adafruit support conclusion is that the HW is ok: “All hardware looks good. This seems like an issue with the Protomatter library since the problem only occurs when a unified address space is used between two panels.”
They have advised me to put this issue on this GitHub channel.
The effect can be seen on this video:
Thank you in advance.
The code I’m using is: