adafruit / Adafruit_RA8875

Adafruit Arduino library driver for the RA8875 TFT driver
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display.textEnlarge(1) mangles text in RA8875_800x480 mode #45

Open TheConceptBoy opened 1 year ago

TheConceptBoy commented 1 year ago

It appears that when the text enarge is set to 1, something happens to the text. Words get mangled.

Observe the view of the text in different states of textEnarge:

This seems to be fine. Everything gets rendered ok. There's some special symbols appearing in places of tabs because this is a JSON file that's been prettified but I assume that's alright as these symbols tend to be reused for special characters in graphics libraries display.textEnlarge(0); image

display.textEnlarge(1); This is where things get flakey. At textEnlarge(1) the text seems to get mangled and it's never consistent too, I can reboot the esp32 and the characters that get mangled seem to change. image

display.textEnlarge(2); image

display.textEnlarge(3); image