adafruit / Adafruit_nRF52_Arduino

Adafruit code for the Nordic nRF52 BLE SoC on Arduino
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Building for nRF52832 suddenly fails without changes when including bluefruit.h #737

Closed CSC-Sendance closed 2 years ago

CSC-Sendance commented 2 years ago

Operating System

Windows 10

IDE version

PlatformIO Core 6.1.0 Home 3.4.2


nRF52832 Bluefruit Feather

BSP version



; PlatformIO Project Configuration File

platform = nordicnrf52
board = adafruit_feather_nrf52832
framework = arduino

What happened ?

Building a platformio project aiming with adafruit_feather_nrf52832 as target board, nordicnrf52 platform, and arduino framework , suddenly fails with a message #error CryptoCell CC310 is not supported on this board on compiling, when including . This was not the case yesterday and also isn't on colleague's PCs.

This part from Adafruit_nRFCrypto.cpp causes this message: `// Only nRF52840 has CC310


error CryptoCell CC310 is not supported on this board


NRF_CRYPTOCELL is defined in nrf52840.h (there also appears to be no nrf52832.h) .

I would guess that this may be caused by an automatic version bump of some library but haven't found any particularly recent releases or changes in, e.g. the nrfCrypto library.

How to reproduce ?

  1. Make a new platformio project with "adafruit_feather_nrf52832" as target board
  2. add #include bluefruit.h in main.cpp
  3. Try to build

Debug Log

> Executing task: C:\.platformio\penv\Scripts\platformio.exe run --environment adafruit_feather_nrf52832 <

Processing adafruit_feather_nrf52832 (platform: nordicnrf52; board: adafruit_feather_nrf52832; framework: arduino)
Verbose mode can be enabled via `-v, --verbose` option
PLATFORM: Nordic nRF52 (9.4.0) > Adafruit Bluefruit nRF52832 Feather
HARDWARE: NRF52832 64MHz, 64KB RAM, 512KB Flash
DEBUG: Current (blackmagic) External (blackmagic, cmsis-dap, jlink, stlink)
 - framework-arduinoadafruitnrf52 @ 1.10300.0 (1.3.0)
 - framework-cmsis @ 2.50700.210515 (5.7.0)
 - tool-adafruit-nrfutil @ 1.503.0 (5.3)
 - tool-sreccat @ 1.164.0 (1.64)
|   |-- Adafruit TinyUSB Library
|-- Adafruit TinyUSB Library
Building in release mode
Compiling .pio\build\adafruit_feather_nrf52832\src\main.cpp.o
Archiving .pio\build\adafruit_feather_nrf52832\libf84\libBluefruit52Lib.a
Compiling .pio\build\adafruit_feather_nrf52832\libd32\Adafruit_nRFCrypto\Adafruit_nRFCrypto.cpp.o
C:\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoadafruitnrf52\libraries\Adafruit_nRFCrypto\src\Adafruit_nRFCrypto.cpp:36:4: error: #error CryptoCell CC310 is not supported on this board
   #error CryptoCell CC310 is not supported on this board
*** [.pio\build\adafruit_feather_nrf52832\libd32\Adafruit_nRFCrypto\Adafruit_nRFCrypto.cpp.o] Error 1
================================================================== [FAILED] Took 4.19 seconds ==================================================================
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No response

hathach commented 2 years ago

can you confirm if this issue occur with Arduino IDE. In general, we don't support PIO since we don't use it. If Arduino works then it is only a matter of PIO configure missing

CSC-Sendance commented 2 years ago

This issue does, in fact, not appear with the ArduinoIDE.

I also tried removing the folder C:\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoadafruitnrf52 to force a redownload of the library, and also 'C:.platformio\platforms\nordicnrf52'. However, the build result are the same. So it really seems that the most up-to-date configs for platformio are buggy for the nrf52832?

Thanks for your help!

edit: While there exists a boards definition in C:\.platformio\platforms\nordicnrf52\boards, no "main" header file is defined for the nrf52832 in C:\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoadafruitnrf52\cores\nRF5\nordic\nrfx\mdk, only a nrf52832_peripherals.h (while all others have a .h)

edit: While there exists a boards definition in C:\.platformio\platforms\nordicnrf52\boards, no "main" header file is defined for the nrf52832 in C:\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoadafruitnrf52\cores\nRF5\nordic\nrfx\mdk, only a nrf52832_peripherals.h (while all others have a .h)

hathach commented 2 years ago

since it works with Arduino IDE, it is probably issue with PIO configuration. Unfortunately, I don't use PIO and have no idea how its configuration works, therefore couldn't help you at all with this. I think you are best to post this issue on PIO forum, there is lots of people could help you there.

CSC-Sendance commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I did so in the PIO forum and an active contributor the the nordic pio platform support found that it may be an issue with a missing library.json restricting/optimizing the LDF, see:

hathach commented 2 years ago
