Closed myelin closed 3 years ago
This is a cherrypick of a commit by Sandeep Mistry from the upstream arduino/ArduinoCore-samd repository (tag 1.6.5 and later), that adds the following functions to the Serial_ class:
int32t Serial::readBreak(); unsigned long Serial_::baud(); uint8t Serial::stopbits(); uint8t Serial::paritytype(); uint8t Serial::numbits(); bool Serial::dtr(); bool Serial::rts();
I have a separate PR at to add Serial_::dtr() to the TinyUSB version.
This is a cherrypick of a commit by Sandeep Mistry from the upstream arduino/ArduinoCore-samd repository (tag 1.6.5 and later), that adds the following functions to the Serial_ class:
int32t Serial::readBreak(); unsigned long Serial_::baud(); uint8t Serial::stopbits(); uint8t Serial::paritytype(); uint8t Serial::numbits(); bool Serial::dtr(); bool Serial::rts();
I have a separate PR at to add Serial_::dtr() to the TinyUSB version.