adafruit / RGB-matrix-Panel

Arduino library and example code for the 16x32 RGB matrix panels in the shop
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Running on Matrix 96x16 #44

Closed ntdgo closed 5 years ago

ntdgo commented 5 years ago


I tried to connect 3 module P10 Full Color as shown as the image but it does not work. "RGBmatrixPanel matrix(16, A, B, C, CLK, LAT, OE, true, 96);". This is my config module P10. Please help me to make it work correctly. Thank you so much!

#include <RGBmatrixPanel.h>

#define CLK  8
#define OE   9
#define LAT 10
#define A   A0
#define B   A1
#define C   A2

RGBmatrixPanel matrix(16, A, B, C, CLK, LAT, OE, true, 96);
int16_t textX = matrix.width();

void setup() {
  matrix.setTextWrap(false); // Allow text to run off right edge

void loop()
  char text[] = "";
  int16_t textMin       = sizeof(text) * -12;
  matrix.setTextColor(matrix.Color333(255, 255, 255));
  matrix.setCursor(textX, 1);
  if ((--textX) < textMin)
    textX = matrix.width();
bgaebel commented 5 years ago

Which board do you use? As I know, this library still doesn't support chained panels =( I'm in the same situation! I have some of the 64x32 P4 Panels and want to get them working on a Feather M0. This board should have enough ressources for this job.

ntdgo commented 5 years ago

Which board do you use? As I know, this library still doesn't support chained panels =( I'm in the same situation! I have some of the 64x32 P4 Panels and want to get them working on a Feather M0. This board should have enough ressources for this job.

Arduino Uno is the board which I used, I just scroll short text from Bluetooth module, I think it enough memory to my project. Do you know any library support chained panels??

ladyada commented 5 years ago

hiya you can keep chattin' in this thread, closing cause its not really an issue :)