adafruit / RGB-matrix-Panel

Arduino library and example code for the 16x32 RGB matrix panels in the shop
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ESP32 + WiFi + matrix panel #68

Closed pilnikov closed 3 years ago

pilnikov commented 3 years ago

I get your example scrolltext_16x32 as a basis. Standalone it works great. But .... I tried to add WiFi client, just one line - WiFi.begin (ssid, password); after matrix.begin(); Got this: 09:00:59.135 -> Connecting to MyWiFi 09:00:59.135 -> Guru Meditation Error: Core 0 panic'ed (Cache disabled but cached memory region accessed). 09:00:59.135 -> 09:00:59.135 -> Core 0 register dump: 09:00:59.181 -> PC : 0x400d5184 PS : 0x00060034 A0 : 0x80081e78 A1 : 0x3ffbeaa0 09:00:59.181 -> A2 : 0x3ffc1b4c A3 : 0x3ff44004 A4 : 0x3ffc1f4c A5 : 0x000001ae 09:00:59.181 -> A6 : 0x08840004 A7 : 0x3ffc253c A8 : 0x80081234 A9 : 0x00000004 09:00:59.181 -> A10 : 0x0000000a A11 : 0xff000000 A12 : 0x80083060 A13 : 0x3ffaf980 09:00:59.181 -> A14 : 0x00000020 A15 : 0x13002248 SAR : 0x00000020 EXCCAUSE: 0x00000007 09:00:59.228 -> EXCVADDR: 0x00000000 LBEG : 0x400d905c LEND : 0x400d9077 LCOUNT : 0x00000004 09:00:59.228 -> 09:00:59.228 -> 09:00:59.228 -> Backtrace:0x400d5181:0x3ffbeaa00x40081e75:0x3ffbeac0 0x40085505:0x3ffbeae0 0x4008f1f4:0x3ffaf970 0x40091ce1:0x3ffaf9a0 0x40092467:0x3ffaf9c0 0x40082a59:0x3ffafa40 0x400d6c4a:0x3ffafa80 0x400d8b82:0x3ffafab0 0x400d9685:0x3ffafad0 0x400d9a3f:0x3ffafaf0 0x400d884b:0x3ffafb70 0x400d8aad:0x3ffafbe0 0x400d6f09:0x3ffafc00 0x400d76f1:0x3ffafc30 0x4011cbca:0x3ffafc50 0x4011cd83:0x3ffafc90 0x4011a910:0x3ffafcb0 0x401195a8:0x3ffafcd0 0x4014ccbd:0x3ffafcf0 09:00:59.275 -> 09:00:59.275 -> 09:00:59.275 -> 09:00:59.275 -> 09:00:59.275 -> ELF file SHA256: 0000000000000000 09:00:59.275 -> 09:00:59.275 -> Rebooting...

WiFi.begin (ssid, password); first, and matrix.begin(); next, then works great

P.S. I also had to change three lines from here: RGBmatrixPanel.cpp line 347 tim_config.alarm_en = true; line 348 tim_config.auto_reload = true; line 915 TG[TIMER_GROUP_1]->hw_timer[TIMER_0].alarm_high = (uint32_t)(duration >> 32);

on the: line 347 tim_config.alarm_en = TIMER_ALARM_EN; line 348 tim_config.auto_reload = TIMER_AUTORELOAD_EN; line 915 TG[TIMER_GROUP_1]->hw_timer[TIMER_0].alarm_high = 0;

Tnx, Alex

PaintYourDragon commented 3 years ago

This library is somewhat deprecated now in favor of Adafruit_Protomatter, does the same issue exist when using that code?

pilnikov commented 3 years ago

if i use protomatter - all working fine in any compositions, but.... I specifically wanted to use one library for atmega2560 and esp32. Evidently I will have to use different for each MCU