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RF ASK library for RENESAS ( in C language) #61

Open DharmikEC opened 3 years ago

DharmikEC commented 3 years ago

I am planning to switch from atmega328P to Renesas in one of my project.

For Renesas I have been provided with CS+ software for compiling and uploading code. And I have to write code in C language.

My main concern is that I am using RadioHead library for RF transmitter, which is available in C++ language and I need one for C, also with Renesas platform, which is not included in this library (And I am not familiar with high level C).

Module I am using is STX882 which works on ASK protocol.

What I am looking for is any reference that can help me out here. If there is library available that would be great. If not I am planning to write one by myself, So if anyone have some idea about ASK RF transmitter general data format and how to plot one in C language please do share.

Any pointer or document or method will be great. Thank you.