Closed iraytrace closed 5 years ago
I don't think this is a bug per se, but is due to memory fragmentation and when garbage collection is triggered. We see this kind of thing due to the limited RAM available on M0 boards. As mentioned in discord, you can intersperse gc.collect()
calls between imports and that may help.
If you have enough experience with the memory management system to assert this, then I bow to your expertise.
Question: Give that has 148 lines, how is the following happening:
... File "", line 342, in ...
Answer: Because I was reading the wrong repository source code.
The things that make me scratch my head include:
1) Calling gc.mem_free() shows at least 2K free once code starts executing. (ok so free might not be contiguous) 2) Calling gc.collect() doesn't change anything. Grated, for some memory management implementations, this is expected as uncollected memory is already considered free. Is this the case for CircuitPython? 3) I can just as easily get the code to work by injecting random nonsensical code like "newvar = 1 + 2 + 3" at arbitrary places.
It is item 3 which really makes me wonder. If I was really out of memory, adding code and variables (especially once I've added 10 or more lines) shouldn't improve things. OK, I admit it can change the fragmentation of memory.
Just for grins, I modified the code to print memory availability after almost every statement.
def stat(lbl):
print('%s %g' % (lbl, gc.mem_free() / 1024))
import gc
import board
import busio
import digitalio
import adafruit_ssd1306 # bad if done here
btns = list()
for inp in [board.A3, board.A4, board.A5]:
da_btn = digitalio.DigitalInOut(inp)
i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
oled = adafruit_ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(128, 32, i2c)
oled.text('Hello', 5, 0, 1)
oled.text('World', 5, 10, 1)
old = [x.value for x in btns]
while True:
for i in range(len(btns)):
v = btns[i].value
if v != old[i]:
print('%d %s becomes %s' % (i, old[i], btns[i].value))
oled.pixel(1, i*10, not v)
old[i] = v
At no time am I below 2K memory free.
Auto-reload is on. Simply save files over USB to run them or enter REPL to disable. output: gc 19.2188 board 19.1563 busio 19.1094 digitalio 19.0469 ssd1306 5.23438 btns 5.14063 for 5 i2c 4.90625 oled 2.32813 fill 2.28125 show 3.54688 old 3.45313
And note that in this instance there was no memory allocation error. So the question remains: What is happening when we are running out of memory? Is it possible to start on soft boot with fragmented memory?
Looking at the source for adafruit_ssd1306 I would not have expected it to consume 14K just on import.
Unfortunately, I don't see any way of asking the interpreter for things like memory maps. I would gladly allocate variables in an appropriate order to reduce fragmentation if I could get some metric to judge this by. Can circuitpython be run as an 'emulator' where the status of the interpreter could be inspected?
I agree that it's more problematic than I'd normally expect. I'll try to reproduce this with a debugger running and see exactly where it's failing internally in terms of memory. It may be that it's on the hairy edge of running out of memory, but that should force a gc, so perhaps it's some kind of edge case which we should check on. is 409 lines. Where did you see only 148?
OK, my total mistake there. I landed on which of course is not the right repository. I need to read what google gives me more carefully.
I edited my earlier comment with the second example code to make it easier to understand what code was just run in the output that shows memory usage.
Someone care to summarize where we're at on this?
I have a similar experience documented here. Essentially, on my Feather M0 Lora, I am running into MemoryAllocation errors and if it was just due to the number of imports I have, then I would immediately suck it up and aquire a Feather M4 (192k vs 32k RAM), but when I use the verbatim example code (last post by lecreate), I am still seeing these memory errors, which leads me to believe something else is amuck. Is there anything I can try or data that I can provide that would help?
I replied to @loganwedwards in the forum. I was able to get the .py file to load by tweaking some bytearray initializations.
So what is the status / expectation?
Hmm. I tried the example in your first post with CircuitPython 4.0.1 and 4.1.0-beta.1 and with .mpy's from the 0626 bundle, and it worked fine. I saw "Hello World" on the SSD1306.
Make sure that .py versions of library files are not present on CIRCUITPY. They'll take precedence over the .mpy's when you do an import.
Closing for now due to no further information. Please re-open if you can reproduce with 4.1.0. Note that framebuf
has been replaced by displayio
in 5.0.0
There seems to be an issue with (perhaps in conjunction with in some circumstances.
This is observed when running
and using libraries from the 4.0 bundle downloaded today the following behavior is observed:
In the code below line 4 and 12 are identical. Which one is uncommented determines which behavior is seen.
if line 4 is uncommented, circuitpython reports:
Whereas if line 4 is commented and line 12 is uncommented, the program runs without problem.
This is particularly odd, as does not seem to have that many lines. However, I am running with the .mpy version of the file from the bundle download. Perhaps this is as simple as a bad .mpy file in the bundle.