adafruit / pi_video_looper

Application to turn your Raspberry Pi into a dedicated looping video playback device, good for art installations, information displays, or just playing cat videos all day.
GNU General Public License v2.0
451 stars 239 forks source link

Use of motion sensor? #130

Closed fugazzy closed 2 years ago

fugazzy commented 2 years ago

I am using video-looper for quite a while now to display small videos on a TV as information monitor. Quite often no one is arround and the TV could be switched off. This is possible by using

echo on 0 | cec-client -s -d 1
TV off
echo standby 0 | cec-client -s -d 1

I would now like to use a motion sensor on the raspi gpio to switch the TV on and after a while off again.

Can that be done? Or can that be included into video-looper?

tofuSCHNITZEL commented 2 years ago

I would recommend you write a separate little py script that you run as a service that sends the cec commands and reads the motions sensor - the video could keep looping in the background - or you stop/start the looper via shell commands also from the py script. but currently this is outside the scope of the pi video looper. cheers,

fugazzy commented 2 years ago

I post my question here again, because this may be of interest for others also: I had some time to works on this again and I got it working fine if started from console. I am struggeling to get it done automatically. It starts always fine, but I cannot get it stopped if started through supervisor. Maybe someone here can give me a hint on a good start/stop script?


#Bewegungsmelder ansteuern
#neue Methode ohne Polling

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
import datetime
import os
import subprocess
import syslog

print ""

#Board Mode: Angabe der Pin-Nummer

#GPIO Pin definieren fuer den Dateneingang vom Sensor
#GPIO als "Input" festlegen

starttime =
endtime = starttime

def period(delta, pattern):
    d = {'d': delta.days}
    d['h'], rem = divmod(delta.seconds, 3600)
    d['m'], d['s'] = divmod(rem, 60)
    return pattern.format(**d)

    global starttime

    if GPIO.input(PIR_GPIO): 
      starttime =
      print  "%s - Bewegung erkannt" % time.ctime()
      syslog.syslog(" %s: Bewegung erkannt!" % time.ctime() )
      subprocess.Popen('/home/pi/', shell=True)
      #subprocess.Popen(/home/pi/', shell=True)
      endtime =
      diff =  endtime - starttime
      diff = period(diff, "{h} Stunden, {m} Minuten, {s} Sekunden")
      print ("%s - Bewegungszeitraum abgelaufen! Zeitdifferenz: %s" % (time.ctime(), diff ))
      syslog.syslog("%s - Bewegungszeitraum abgelaufen! Zeitdifferenz: %s" % (time.ctime(), diff ))
      subprocess.Popen('/home/pi/', shell=True)
      #subprocess.Popen(/home/pi/', shell=True)
      print "%s - Warten auf Bewegung" % time.ctime()

#TV ausschalten / Schlafen legen bei Neustart
#subprocess.Popen('/home/pi/', shell=True)
#subprocess.Popen('/home/pi/', shell=True)

#VideoLooper starten
subprocess.Popen('/home/pi/', shell=True)

print "%s - Start der Bewegungserkennung und VideoLooper" % time.ctime()
syslog.syslog("Start der Bewegungserkennung und VideoLooper")

     GPIO.add_event_detect(PIR_GPIO, GPIO.BOTH, callback=MOTION)
     while 1:

except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print "%s - Stop der Bewegungserkennung und VideoLooper" % time.ctime()
    syslog.syslog("Stop der Bewegungserkennung und VideoLooper")
    #VideoLooper stoppen
    subprocess.Popen('/home/pi/', shell=True) and just contain:

sudo supervisorctl start video_looper
sudo supervisorctl stop video_looper

this my supervisor config:

#Supervisord configuration to run video looper at boot and
#ensure it runs continuously.
command= /home/pi/
directory = /home/pi