adaltas / node-http-status

Utility to interact with HTTP status code in Node.js
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Support for unofficial codes? #23

Closed paambaati closed 6 years ago

paambaati commented 6 years ago

Would this project be willing to include non-standard codes as well? I recently ran into a 521 HTTP response, which is apparently Cloudflare's custom HTTP status code for when the origin server is down.

Chasing that status down, I discovered that both nginx and ISS also use their own custom codes. Seeing as how the users of this module are already doing it to lookup status messages for codes, I think there's value in including those as well.

More about the codes here -

Can I send a PR?

wdavidw commented 6 years ago

I'm fine with supporting custom HTTP code but we probably need a pluggable way to handle it to avoid collusions. Maybe on a separate module named after the provider.

ScreamingHawk commented 6 years ago

I'd also like Cloudflare's custom codes added to this. I see 524 in APIs I call frequently.

Would be pretty simple to add HTTPStatus.includeCloudflareCodes() or something similar if you don't want them enabled by default.

wdavidw commented 6 years ago

@ScreamingHawk, right now, require('http-status') return a JSON serializable object in which values are of types string and integer. I believe we should keep it this way and don't add a functions to it. For this reason, I'll propose to create a new module "http-status/lib/cloudfare" which merge cloudfare specific HTTP codes with default value from "http-status/lib/index". We could also export cloudfare specific codes from require('http-status').cloudfare or require('http-status').vendors.cloudfare