Here are the types currently generated by VS Code, which definitely be more refined:
export = index
declare function index(...args: any[]): any
declare namespace index {
class Transformer {
constructor(options1: any, transform1: any)
options: any
transform: any
running: any
started: any
finished: any
addListener(ev: any, fn: any): any
cork(): void
destroy(err: any, cb: any): any
emit(type: any, args: any): any
end(chunk: any, encoding: any, cb: any): any
eventNames(): any
getMaxListeners(): any
isPaused(): any
listenerCount(type: any): any
listeners(type: any): any
off(type: any, listener: any): any
on(ev: any, fn: any): any
once(type: any, listener: any): any
pause(): any
pipe(dest: any, pipeOpts: any): any
prependListener(type: any, listener: any): any
prependOnceListener(type: any, listener: any): any
push(chunk: any, encoding: any): any
rawListeners(type: any): any
read(n: any): any
removeAllListeners(ev: any): any
removeListener(ev: any, fn: any): any
resume(): any
setDefaultEncoding(encoding: any): any
setEncoding(enc: any): any
setMaxListeners(n: any): any
uncork(): void
unpipe(dest: any): any
unshift(chunk: any): any
wrap(stream: any): any
write(chunk: any, encoding: any, cb: any): any
The latest version 2.0.0 comes now with .d.ts definitions files and, if incomplete, shall hopefully provide the ground for future work. Please send us your feedback.
It would be great to see TypeScript support for this module, either here or via
Here are the types currently generated by VS Code, which definitely be more refined: