adam-cowley / neode

Neo4j OGM for Node.js
MIT License
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Adds ALT_DIRECTION_BOTH option to RelationshipType #170

Open ryandeklerk opened 1 year ago

ryandeklerk commented 1 year ago

Adds ALT_DIRECTION_BOTH option to RelationshipType

ryandeklerk commented 1 year ago

Another option is to just remove DIRECTION_BOTH entirely, as it doesn't have any functionality and its presence is kind of confusing. Also, neo4j doesn't allow creation of bidirectional relationships. The functionality I could see this having is the ability to query all relationships of that type involving the node similar to MATCH (a:Node {name: 'node'})-[r]-(b). Though I'm not sure if that's covered by functionality elsewhere, as I'm still looking over the source code.