adam-lynch / back-of-your-hand

How well do you know your area? Test your knowledge by locating streets with this game.
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Needs to filter out more "objects" #18

Closed adam-lynch closed 2 years ago

adam-lynch commented 2 years ago

From Hacker News:

[...]Also it was quizzing me on park trails. And I just got an underwater tunnel at the zoo. I guess those are technically named ways in some manner of speaking, but they're definitely not streets with signs.All that aside, this is really fun! Personal best 470/500. I wish I could make it longer; n=5 is a small sample and my scores vary tremendously from one run to the next.

- myself248,

I enjoyed it! worked reasonably well for the city I tried. I did have a few nitpicks, but they are mostly datasource related as opposed to anything you can control - the several rounds i played included a pedway system, several walking trails, and a private driveway. Only change I might suggest making is the radius of the pin - getting a 99/100 for being 6m off because the pin didnt go exactly where I thought it was. Or is there any way for the pin to snap to an object?

- SECProto,

Can you give me the coordinates you played in? I will review the "objects".

Here's the osm for the pedway object, labelled a footpath. Here's one of the trails:

- SECProto,

johrpan commented 2 years ago

I think, this key may be used for filtering out everything that is not a real road automatically.

adam-lynch commented 2 years ago

@johrpan I actually use that already. I even exclude sub-categories of highway. See here:

What's to be done now is to look into specific complaints and see if it's a sub-category that be filtered. If not, then maybe there's some other way to exclude it. There's a chance it's something we'd want to keep 99% of the time though / an OSM data issue.

Tools that help:

johrpan commented 2 years ago

@adam-lynch Sorry, my bad.

However, I think that lots of those can and/or should be left out. By following the descriptions in the OpenStreetMap Wiki and experimenting a bit using the Overpass API – thanks for the link – I found the following set of highway values that seems to exactly match my expectations, at least in my home area:

In my opinion, this would be everything that matches the definition of being a "street".

There are some minor things that arguably be included, like e.g. "footway". But it has more false positives than actual candidates.

adam-lynch commented 2 years ago

I've removed a good few (of the ones you didn't list) to begin with. Some were good (e.g. service, steps) in Cork, Ireland;

adam-lynch commented 2 years ago

Reminder: only elements with a name are used. A catch might be if in some countries the OSM data has bad names like "Steps" (or the local language equivalent) for steps

adam-lynch commented 2 years ago

I've confirmed that all of the original reports are fixed