adam000 / Go-SDL2

[WIP] Go bindings for SDL2
MIT License
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How to install on Windows x64 with mingw64? #16

Closed metaleap closed 10 years ago

metaleap commented 10 years ago

Doing go get gave me "unknown command pkg-config" so I downloaded it from and now I get:

C:\Users\roxor\Documents\GitHub> go get
# pkg-config --cflags sdl2
exit status 3221225595

SDL headers and libs are already in the appropriate mingw64 header/lib directories, the DLL is under c:\windows (as is sufficient for DLLs, works with glfw3.dll just fine too)..

Anyone successfully got this to build under mingw64? My mingw64 is from and the most recent version.

adam000 commented 10 years ago

I program on OS X and zombiezen codes on Ubuntu... I've never done Windows development (outside of .NET) before, but I did find this:

(apparently pkg-config doesn't come with mingw and is a pain besides... hope you figure it out)


EDIT: derp, I totally misread and missed the part where you had pkg-config...

zombiezen commented 10 years ago

Downloading pkg-config itself isn't sufficient, you also have to have a .pc file. It's hard for me to tell the issue -- exit status 3221225595 is not one I recognize and there's no other output.

Unfortunately, I haven't had too much of a need to write Go on Windows either. You may have some luck searching around on golang-nuts for others who have used cgo packages on Windows.

adam000 commented 10 years ago

I can provide the .pc files given to me by Homebrew if that would help.

(obviously you'd have to plug in the proper values for your system, but it'd be a step in the right direction to be looking at the right format)

[11:54:15] (Masyaf) ~

[11:54:20] (Masyaf) ~
Z cd /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig

[11:54:27] (Masyaf) /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
Z ls *sdl*
sdl.pc  sdl2.pc

[11:54:32] (Masyaf) /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
Z cat sdl2.pc
# sdl pkg-config source file


Name: sdl2
Description: Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform multimedia library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, 3D hardware via OpenGL, and 2D video framebuffer.
Version: 2.0.3
Libs: -L${libdir}  -lSDL2
Libs.private: -lSDL2    -lm -liconv -Wl,-framework,OpenGL  -Wl,-framework,ForceFeedback -lobjc -Wl,-framework,Cocoa -Wl,-framework,Carbon -Wl,-framework,IOKit -Wl,-framework,CoreAudio -Wl,-framework,AudioToolbox -Wl,-framework,AudioUnit
Cflags: -I${includedir}/SDL2  -D_THREAD_SAFE

[12:00:25] (Masyaf) /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
Z ls *SDL*
SDL2_image.pc SDL2_mixer.pc SDL2_net.pc   SDL2_ttf.pc   SDL_image.pc  SDL_mixer.pc  SDL_net.pc    SDL_ttf.pc
metaleap commented 10 years ago

That's all quite inane interesting stuff, thanks guys :D I guess I could turn the question around and ask, does go get really (and/or why) need to run pkg-config at all? So far I was rather "lucky" that I could successfully cgo/link to both opengl32.dll and glfw3.dll (via their .h headers and .a libs) without requiring said tool..

As far as having a .pc file, I think I do have one that came with the SDL2 download. Now where the hell would I put it.. or to rephrase slightly differently, "perhaps SDL should drop the S from its name".....

adam000 commented 10 years ago

Well as I eluded to, your environment should have a $PKG_CONFIG_PATH from which it'll find .pc files.

If you don't want to use .pc files, but have a simpler way to do it for Windows, I do believe that cgo allows OS-specific directives.

metaleap commented 10 years ago

OK thanks, will give it a try next time I feel the immediate need to run on SDL2 under Win64 ;D

zombiezen commented 10 years ago

@metaleap If you feel reasonably confident that you have a set of off-the-shelf compiler/linker flags that work for Windows, please contribute that upstream.

pkg-config is used for portability on *nix based systems, but usually Windows has its own set of flags that need to be passed in. Usually, this process is not hard, it just requires a Windows machine and some time. This is what most packages do.

metaleap commented 10 years ago

Yeah will do that.. eventually ;)