Closed 86ds8DR closed 8 years ago
it is a nice feature, will you publish the script afterwards?
i would have used this as a valid source
and don't update curRates as we need to have history, only insert new records. the system will get the latest cur rate, that is all you need to do.
I wrote a little Perl script that seems to work.
You can run it with crontab once a day, or with anacrontab if the computer is not 24/7 on.
There are a few values that must be configured at the beginning of the script.
Disclaimer: I'm not responsible for any harm it may do, use on your own risk.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#~ 1. Install missing dependieces for those packages.
#~ E.g., in Debian-based systems all you need is, probably,
#~ apt-get install libdatetime-format-mysql-perl
use strict;
use LWP::Simple;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use DBI;
use DateTime::Format::MySQL;
#~ 2. change the following values according to your installation:
my $mysql_host = 'localhost';
my $mysql_database = 'linet';
my $mysql_table = 'CA1_curRates'; ### seems to be default in linet3
my $mysql_user = 'root';
my $mysql_password = 'topsecret';
my $currency_num = '01'; # USD
my $currency_sym = 'USD';
#~ The following values are the currency code options:
#~ 01 Dollar United States
#~ 27 Euro European Monetary Union
#~ For more currency codes and other info see:
# Connect to the linet database
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$mysql_database", "$mysql_user", "$mysql_password") || die "Could not connect to database $mysql_database: $DBI::errstr";
# Find the date of the latest recorded exchange rate
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT MAX(date) FROM $mysql_table WHERE currency_id = '$currency_sym'") || die "Select of recent date failed: $DBI::errstr";
my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array();
my $latest_date;
# if there is no rates at all, start retrieving from January 01 of the current year
if (not defined $row[0]) {
$latest_date = DateTime->now(time_zone => 'local')->truncate( to => 'year');
print "Didn't found any rates in the database, will retrieve starting from".$latest_date->strftime("%e %B %Y")."\n";
} else {
$latest_date = DateTime::Format::MySQL->parse_datetime($row[0]);
# Set time to 00:00:00, since only the date is important
$latest_date = $latest_date->truncate( to => "day" );
print "latest recorded exchange rate is for".$latest_date->strftime("%e %B %Y")."\n";
my $today = DateTime->now(time_zone => 'local');
# Set time to 00:00:00, since only the date is important
$today = $today->truncate( to => "day" );
my $rate;
if ($latest_date < $today) {
# Retrieve and insert to the database all the missing rates since the latest recorded
my $date = $latest_date->add( days => 1 );
while ($date <= $today) {
if ($date->day_of_week() > 5) { # day_of_week returns 1-7, 1=Monday
print "skipping weekend days (Sat and Sun)...\n"
} else {
print "retrieving $currency_sym rate for ".$date->strftime("%e %B %Y")."...\n";
my $xml_responce = get("".$date->strftime("%Y%m%d")."&curr=$currency_num");
die "Couldn't get it!" unless defined $xml_responce;
if ($xml_responce =~ /No exchange rate published for this date/) {
if ($date == $today) {
print "cannot retrieve today's rate, probably not published yet.\n"
} else {
print "cannot retrieve rate for this date, holiday?\n";
} elsif ($xml_responce =~ /<RATE>([\d\.]+)<\/RATE/) {
$rate = $1;
print "got a rate, 1 $currency_sym = $rate NIS\n";
print "inserting into database...\n";
$dbh->do(qq{INSERT INTO $mysql_table (currency_id,date,value) VALUES ('$currency_sym', '$date->strftime("%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S")', $rate)}) || die "Insert into database failed: $DBI::errstr";
print "done.\n"
} else {
print "Got an unknown responce from BOI, here it is:\n$xml_responce\n";
$date->add( days => 1 );
sleep 1;
} else {
print "We aready have the today's rate, nothing to do.\n";
Thanks a lot for your good idea and code contribution.
FrontAccounting has a nice feature of automatic updates of exchange rates, see here:
I didn't find such a functionality in linet. I want to write a script that will do it. Is it enough to update the table curRates or there are other tables/files I need to update?