adam3smith / webinar-translators

Materials and discussion for webinar on Zotero translators
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Using web translators independent of Zotero #2

Open mfenner opened 9 years ago

mfenner commented 9 years ago

Have people tried to use the Zotero web translators in other tools? Similar to how CSL is now used in many other places besides Zotero.

aurimasv commented 9 years ago

Pretty sure ProQuest Flow got a good head start using Zotero translators.

mfenner commented 9 years ago

Great. Are you aware of any open source tools or libraries?

aurimasv commented 9 years ago

No library that I'm aware of, but outside of Zotero client, there's the Zotero translation server that can probably be adapted for something (likely with significant amount of effort).

It probably wouldn't be too difficult to create a library for Zotero translators though if there was much interest.

mfenner commented 9 years ago

I think this would be a great topic to talk about in the webinar. I'm obviously at the very beginning with web translators, but being able to reuse them in other (open source) projects sounds very attractive to me.

rmzelle commented 9 years ago


mfenner commented 9 years ago

Thanks @rmzelle!

rmzelle commented 9 years ago

See also!msg/zotero-dev/i8-8kKBbMhk/fTLs6vnz4wAJ