adam7 / delugia-code

Can we add Nerd Fonts to Cascadia Code Font using a GitHub Action
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There are no icons for some commonly used files, such as word. #87

Closed breakTBB closed 1 month ago

breakTBB commented 1 month ago


breakTBB commented 1 month ago

I changed the font from Delugia PL mono to Delugia, and now it works. Why is this happening? I thought PL was specially designed for powerline.

Finii commented 1 month ago

Taken from


I thought PL was specially designed for powerline.

Yes. Powerline is these fancy separators, in my case triangular-ish:


Pure Powerline prompt, with lock-icon, branch-icon and special separators

The PL font variant contains also some (very few) not Powerline related icons (Seti/Custom and Devicons).

But usually people want 'all the Nerd Font icons', and that is Complete.

Mono or not-Mono says if the icons are bigger or not. (Just mentioning because you said you switched from a Mono font to a Non-Mono one.) A description what Mono means can be found here at Nerd Fonts.


Other example: My neovim with Powerline


Note the Linux-Indicator uses a non Powerline icon, the Tux. But special separators (for the 'tabs' on top and the triangular things in the status) and the git branch icon are Poweline icons.

breakTBB commented 1 month ago

Taken from


I thought PL was specially designed for powerline.

Yes. Powerline is these fancy separators, in my case triangular-ish:


Pure Powerline prompt, with lock-icon, branch-icon and special separators

The PL font variant contains also some (very few) not Powerline related icons (Seti/Custom and Devicons).

But usually people want 'all the Nerd Font icons', and that is Complete.

Mono or not-Mono says if the icons are bigger or not. (Just mentioning because you said you switched from a Mono font to a Non-Mono one.) A description what Mono means can be found here at Nerd Fonts.


Other example: My neovim with Powerline


Note the Linux-Indicator uses a non Powerline icon, the Tux. But special separators (for the 'tabs' on top and the triangular things in the status) and the git branch icon are Poweline icons.

Thank you so much for such a detailed explanation.