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Quest "Trap a Pixie in a Jar" is uncompletable #483

Open HaniiPuppy opened 4 years ago

HaniiPuppy commented 4 years ago

The "Trap a Pixie in a Jar" doesn't activate upon capturing a pixie in a jar, placing the pixie, right-clicking the sitting-down pixie, getting the pixie dust, or eating the pixie dust. I thought this would be fixed in, but it's not. Looking at the quest in editing mode, the task's only requirement field seems to be "criterion", which is an empty string.

adam9899 commented 4 years ago

I tested it and it completed fine, did you do the prerequisite advancements? It uses advancements as the task requirement

HaniiPuppy commented 4 years ago

Okay, I've done it. The advancement has the tame-a-pixie advancement as a prerequisite, but the quest for a pixie-in-a-jar doesn't have the quest for tame-a-pixie as a pre-requisite, and the tame-a-fairy quest only requires you craft the cake rather than do the tame-a-pixie advancement. Without both knowing how the quest system worked mechanically, and knowing to look at the advancement screen, I couldn't have known that one was a de-facto prerequisite to the other.

The tame-a-pixie and pixie-in-a-jar advancements from ice and fire, on another note, seemed to be extremely annoying to get, and just refused to activate, to the point where I had to get a server admin to activate the advancements while I was sitting there surrounding in tamed pixies and pixies in jars. (having done the prerequisite advancement, book-of-monsters)

Can I suggest replacing the requirement for having the advancement with a requirement for having the "pixie jar" item from ice and fire in your inventory? That way, there isn't the hidden prerequisite based on the advancements (though nothing's stopping you from adding that explicitly as a prerequisite via the quest book should you wish - and this would be a visible prerequisite), and if the advancements aren't activating properly, the quest can still be done.