adam9899 / Issues

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Rougelike dungeons not generating/spawning when using version 1.3.6 and 1.3.7 of MC Eternal modpack #735

Open vegvel31 opened 4 years ago

vegvel31 commented 4 years ago

Upon installing/when updating to the 1.3.6 or 1.3.7 versions of the modpack, I noticed that the towers from the rougelikes dungeons mod just stopped appearing completely. Even when travelling 100s of blocks in creative flight on different worlds (probably near 10, a few with the default world gen setting, the rest using the biomes o plenty generation), not a single tower would appear and no other structures that spawn these dungeons like the snow pyramids/temples did either. Only by reverting to version, did I encounter these dungeons as normal, making me suspect the fnar version that came with 1.3.6 to somehow be the culprit.

I have tried editing the configs (1.3.7) to increase their spawnrate, to no avail, and have checked with other users regarding the issue. Appearently others have experienced something similar, but nothing more came off it from what I could read on the discord. The odd thing is that other users have appearently updated to 1.3.6, and encountered these types of dungeons, which I find kinda odd since not one of the near 10 worlds I generated, even with a freshly installed modpack, showed any signs of the typical towers and structures associated with this mod, only worldgen from other mods which worked fine.

Hope a fix is found for this, since I feel that the rougelike dungeons mod is one of the better dungeon type mods in minecraft and fits well with the worldgen this modpack has. If there are any additional details you need to know, feel free to ask.

A final note, as a possibly related side issue, is that beach temples from the ice and fire mod seem way more common now than they did in 1.3.5. They appear nearly at every beach now, and often clip hard into the terrain, leaving vertical walls of water.

stillg0ld commented 4 years ago

I didn't start playing MC Eternal until 1.3.6 so I was assuming the Roguelike Dungeons were just INCREDIBLY rare with this pack. I've yet to encounter any on 1.3.6 or 1.3.7. I wonder if it may have to do with the fact that under the "main" file in settings, biome criteria is set to "Plains" exclusive and may not be considering BOP's "plains type" biomes. Just food for thought, would love to see this resolved as Roguelike is probably one of my favorite 1.12 mods.