adam9899 / Issues

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Crash when creating a new world #9

Open PapaParm opened 4 years ago

PapaParm commented 4 years ago

Whenever i go to create a new world my game crashes and I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling as well as dedicating more ram (currently dedicating 9gb) It won't generate a crash report, it just kicks me back to the start, it did, however, give me this when I selected to show my output on the launcher

21:27:10.376 39: ASM: class codersafterdark.reskillable.client.gui.handler.InventoryTabHandler finishRenderTick(Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/gameevent/TickEvent$RenderTickEvent;)V 21:27:10.376 40: ASM: com.rwtema.extrautils2.utils.MCTimer@6eb0fd9d renderTick(Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/gameevent/TickEvent$RenderTickEvent;)V 21:27:10.376 41: ASM: class electroblob.wizardry.integration.DamageSafetyChecker tick(Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/gameevent/TickEvent;)V 21:27:10.376 42: ASM: org.cyclops.integrateddynamics.core.TickHandler@76959e3c onTick(Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/gameevent/TickEvent;)V 21:27:10.376 43: ASM: org.cyclops.integrateddynamics.core.NoteBlockEventReceiver@ea1cec4 onTick(Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/gameevent/TickEvent;)V 21:27:10.376 44: ASM: lumien.randomthings.handler.RTEventHandler@5e445e3a tick(Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/gameevent/TickEvent;)V 21:27:10.376 45: ASM: onTick(Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/gameevent/TickEvent;)V 21:27:10.376 46: ASM: appeng.hooks.TickHandler@4d44f458 onTick(Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/gameevent/TickEvent;)V 21:27:10.376 47: LOWEST 21:27:10.376 48: ASM: ovh.corail.tombstone.event.ClientEventHandler@3b040a92 onRenderTick(Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/gameevent/TickEvent$RenderTickEvent;)V 21:27:10.414 49: ASM: thebetweenlands.client.handler.ShaderHandler@30648d06 onPreRenderWorld(Lnet/minecraftforge/fml/common/gameevent/TickEvent$RenderTickEvent;)V 21:27:14.845 Received server authentication msg. Remote sync will be activated 21:27:14.953 Fast Leaf Decay loaded a new chunk [-15, 2] in dimension 0 (overworld) while populating chunk [-15, 3], causing cascading worldgen lag. 21:27:14.953 Please report this to the mod's issue tracker. This log can be disabled in the Forge config. 21:27:15.992


Compiler replay data is saved as:


AL lib: (EE) alc_cleanup: 1 device not closed Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError java.lang.OutOfMemoryError java.lang.OutOfMemoryError 21:27:15.998 Process crashed with exit code 1

adam9899 commented 4 years ago

It appears you are out of memory, try allocating less. I would suggest 6gb