adambard / learnxinyminutes-docs

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[REQUEST] - Cheat sheets I'd need #4668

Open anonimo82 opened 1 year ago

anonimo82 commented 1 year ago

Please, kindly add these cheatsheets I'm looking for and I can't find comparable to yours (qualitatively):

For graphics

For sound:

Other: Bootstrap

Thanks for any help.

Here is my input/help: Canvas ( SVG ( WebGL ( - its GLSL (none I'm aware of) X3D (

Web Audio API (

Bootstrap (

Speech and MIDI - None I'm aware of

Basicly, I'd like such cheat sheets rewritten the way LearnXinYMinutes does, because I think it's less tiring the way they write them. And they're shorter too

Regards, have a nice day. =)

Kaamkiya commented 5 months ago

I'm willing to take on doing SVGs, but I don't know any of the rest.

I'll start work on the SVG cheatsheet soon :)

Kaamkiya commented 2 months ago

I'm sorry, but I won't be able to continue work on the SVG cheat sheet.